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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • That’s terrible, and I’m saddened to read about this going on still.

    As misery loves company… I struggle with various health problems that are also hard to diagnose (autoimmune in nature). Doctors weren’t super helpful. I blew through almost all of my savings which took a lot of effort and penny pinching to gather. I was unemployed from November 2020 through July 2023, and I wanted to not live anymore. I was never quite suicidal, but I was on that path. Things got dark.

    Little by little I made progress. Gluten turned out to be a major contributing factor in my overall bad health. Cutting it out of my diet wasn’t easy or enjoyable, but it was a massive change for the better. I was no longer in crippling pain, overwhelming fatigue and my anxiety vastly improved. I found employment again!

    Just as I thought I was turning a corner, I get hit with a rare genetic heart condition. I was in danger of having a stroke without knowing it. Now even though there is a new medication I am taking to address that condition, it comes with a lot of potential interactions with other medications. That means I had to give up the one other medicine that helped me get through my chronic pain and other issues, and in so doing I have discovered even more food intolerances are to blame beyond what I already knew. I can now eat basically nothing prepared from a store or restaurant if I want to be functional.

    Even so, day by day I manage to get a better grip on my health issues that have plagued me for most of my life. To get there I had to persevere beyond that I had previously thought of as being my limits. I believe this is where you are right now, unfortunately. I wouldn’t wish this fate on anyone (okay, maybe a certain fat, shit stain ex-president and his toadies).

    I hope you find your answers! Keep us posted! I’m rooting for you!