For me it’s both
I love my boi and I am my boi
For me it’s both
I love my boi and I am my boi
I’ve never used Twitter and have no interest in social media but I signed up for Bluesky because I have hated Twitter for 15 years. Also I appreciate that Bluesky has almost no data collection and no tracking. That’s cool.
Thank you for sharing. It really is a gamble.
Edit: oh gawd I missed that he died. You have my sincere condolences… I’m sending so much love.
That tracks with a lot of people I’ve been with.
With my current partner, every day is a new adventure. Some days are same-ey and those are amazing days. When we have to experience new things we’re both sus about. It’s always a shared version of “that was fucked” or “that was amazing.”
We’ve been together for 13 years.
It takes the right person.
Quick edit: every day is the best feeling in the world and I couldn’t love them more
They mostly died and had a resurgence, you’re totally right!
Casefile and Dan Carlin are perfect for this.
Alternate take: go FULL BLOWN HEDONIST. We only get so many go-rounds on this planet, so whatever brings you the most pleasure and doesn’t hurt others!
I consider it more as pseudonymous forums than social media.
we ain’t crinklin no more
Slugma ballz hahaha gotem
Oooooo that’s an also verrrry good one.
Paedophilia as a sickness, especially non-offending paedos.
Asked n’ answered hahaha
I don’t get it either, but I love people being happy! My friend took me to a model train museum and they were BEAMING the whole time. I was like “ah, neat! Twains!”
Growing up, I loved Tattooed Teenaged Alien Fighters From Beverly Hills. Now that I’m old, it’s even better.
Folks who like model trains and want to remake their hometown! It’s a small subsection of primarily older-USA-Midwest-autistic folks.
Me, wearing my pro-SKUB shirt