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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Could a hypothetical attacker not just get you to visit a webpage, or an image embedded in another, or even a speculatively loaded URL by your browser. Then from the v6 address of the connection, directly attack that address hoping for a misconfiguration of your router (which is probable, as most of them are in the dumbest ways)

    Vs v4, where the attacker just sees either your routers IP address (and then has to hope the router has a vulnerability or a port forward) or increasingly gets the IP address of the CGNAT block which might have another 1000 routers behind it.

    Unless you’re aggressively rotating through your v6 address space, you’ve now given advertisers and data brokers a pretty accurate unique identifier of you. A much more prevalent “attack” vector.

  • If you still do the sizing (it’s not entirely wasted as it’s a reasonably effective tool to gauge understanding across the team), This can still be done without the artificial time boxing.

    “How much work have we done in the last two weeks?” Just look at all the stories closed in the last two weeks. Easy.

    “When will X be delivered?” Look at X and all its dependencies, add up all the points, and guesstimate the time equivalence.

    Kanban isn’t a free for all, you still need structure and some planning. But you take most of that away from the do-ers and let them do what they do best… do.

  • Ok. Did a quick read. And I think I mixed my words a little.

    Yes, Active Directory supports TOTP fine.

    But my understanding is rollouts can disable TOTP, and instead force the use of the proprietary scheme requiring the MS Authenticator app (which also supports TOTP) that uses push notifications to the device.

    As is the case with my employer. They didn’t enable TOTP, and I am unable to use the provided MFA QR code with 1Password.

  • Ditto… ish.

    In my dream I mixed up some constraints of the real-world system. I still came up with an elegant solution that would have worked if the dreams constraints were true. Except they weren’t and the solution was useless.

    Bonus was the dream-solution exposed a “front door” so to speak on the real problem and I felt dumb that I even spent 5 minutes thinking about it.

  • Plug a USB-C screen into a USB-C port. Will it work?

    Maybe? If the manufacturer has wired the port to the GPU for DP/HDMI alt mode it might.

    … but you’ve used this display on this laptop before?

    Try another port! Nope, still nothing.

    Maybe it’s the cable? Rummage around through your cables and try a few out. Hope you don’t have any from the 2010s because there’s a good chance they’ll ruin your device.

    The screen works! But performance is terrible, why? It’s running in DisplayLink mode.

    You give up and suffer through.

  • Pros:

    • not as big as the UK plug
    • not an American plug
    • those power cords that stick out at a diagonal parallel to the wall


    • no inbuilt fuses
    • no inbuilt guard on the socket
    • every plug and socket feels cheap.
    • thin shitty pins that bend easily
    • shitty sockets that break when shitty bent pins get plugged into them.
    • used by a handful of people with tight regulations … and China. Good luck getting decent affordable, certified, smarthome sockets.
    • that cunt who invented the vertically oriented twin socket wall unit. What a fuckhead.
    • those power cords that stick out perpendicular to the wall.

  • You’re conflating copackers with brands.

    Store brands will go to the same copackers, truth. But the copacker will not just make a premium brand product for a store brand at a lower cost. It will be a recipe made to a taste/price spec. Maybe all the ingredients are sourced from the same place, but the recipe will be different.

    What can be nearly identical are branding tiers. Large companies like Unilever, Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble etc will sometimes have multiple “competing” brands in the same market, all made in the same factory.