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Joined 9 个月前
Cake day: 2024年1月14日


  • If that’s the card they want to play then it’s only going to hurt them until they start giving me something i can run with.

    As a general rule, im willing to match and even exceed the effort players put into their PCs, provided they have done anything more than a statblock with a name.

    But if they just have the statblock and name then I’m not going out of my way to customize content and quests specific for them.

  • Yeah, it’s bad. Surprised they’re still serving that crap in their own bundle but i guess some things don’t change.

    Filezilla is no relation to mozilla. But yeah i moved away from it years ago. The general recommendation I’ve seen is “anything but filezilla”. Personally i use winscp for windows, and will have to figure out what to use when i switch my daily driver to Linux.

  • Hello, I’m well aware that there can be good-intentioned people in the mormon church, however, I’d ask you to consider what it means to stay a member of an organization whose teachings lead to LGBTQIA+ youth committing suicide at a prevalence higher than other states? How can you be a member of an organization that doesn’t, really, treat women equally when you stop to think about it? There are a lot of warts in the mormon church, and they have rewritten the history and have been gaslighting their members about it. You’ve been told that people will just try to spread lies about the church, and that the church is true so you don’t need to question it. But if the church is true then it should be able to stand up to scrutiny of your own research.

    Just because you think you are doing some greater good by trying to change the mormon church from within doesn’t mean you’re not oppressing LGBTQIA+ directly or indirectly. Consider this-- does someone joining the KKK with the intent to change it from within make them not a racist? How many years can they be part of that organization before they are complicit?

    I’m sorry if any of this seems too harsh, these are just things I wish I would’ve thought about a few decades sooner. Best of luck in whichever path you take.

  • Note that slavery was abolished in 1865 and the civil rights movement started in 1950s-1960s.

    And in 1978 mormon god said that black men can have the priesthood which is mormon god’s way of saying black men are treated as equals now. (Women, regardless of race, never were treated equally and still aren’t).

    The Mormon church likes to celebrate the fact that black men are treated equally but they never mention that this was 110 years after slavery was abolished and still ~3 decades after the civil rights movement started. Mormon God sure has great timing.

    But polygamy is actually still alive and well in the Mormon church, and i mean the actual Mormon church and not an offshoot. The Mormons stopped practicing polygamy outright but it is still alive in how they actually treat marriage.

    Under mormonism they marry you for eternity. Except if your spouse wants a divorce or they die then you are no longer married from a civil law perspective. If a woman wants to get married again then she needs to have special permission from the Mormon prophet which i believe they do to release her from the Mormon eternal sealing. To do this they also try to get the ex-husbands approval (and too bad if he’s dead). Where this gets interesting is that if the husband wants to remarry then he can. No strings attached. He can have as many eternal sealings as he wants. No permission needed from the prophet or wife. Just can have only one civil marriage at a time but if you get a civil divorce then a man can easily get another eternal marriage and a woman cannot. Basically this means that Mormons are letting men practice polygamy in the afterlife. It’s wild.

    But this just one example of how women aren’t treated equally in the Mormon church. And don’t get me started on LGBTQIA+. But if you ever hear someone say mormonism likes the the gays they are gaslighting you. They believe that being gay is a sin and you can only be accepted at arm’s reach if you’re gay, but never do anything gay, and conform to your gender. Telling someone you accept them while believing part of them they can’t change is a sin is Olympic level mental gymnastics. But welcome to Mormonism!

  • Sounds like this was “resolved” on HN and CEO said this was an error, but I’m not so sure. The CEO’s response seems to imply that that communication to/from service reps is true and not made up. The original post shows they have a business practice for cases like this. Plus if the company was willing to settle from their business practice of 20% down to 5% (which in this case was 15k) then that very likely isn’t a decision a service rep could make, so you had some mid to upper level manager make that approval to write-off the $15k and decide that $5k was still owed to the company.

    As far as I can tell the only error here is that someone posted about it.

    Not to mention the CEO’s response from HN just says this shouldn’t have happened on free accounts, but that begs the question of would this have been any different on non-free accounts where Netlify failed to mitigate a DDoS as advertised?