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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • I got into a fender bender with someone I knew from college. Spun out on ice so we meet front to front when we bumped. Once the cars stopped I swear we both practically did the cartoon eye rub of disbelief lolol.

    Not mine but old school crew story. Couple of lads bumped into each other in a bar in Europe - we from the States. Neither knew the other was traveling. Heard a distinct laugh across the pub and rest is history.

  • It’s a combination of a few things. I’ve always been fairly chill, and I think these factors help further that zen.

    Having a potent sense of humor makes it easy to laugh off anything from mundane to tragic. Always preferred to “laugh, so I don’t cry.” Easily my biggest coping mechanism.

    Another good method I heard was this perspective exercise. When something irks you, stop and think “will I still be upset about this a week from now, month from now, year from now?” Usually the answer is no, I’ll have completely forgotten about this mild inconvenience. If it’s something I’ll be upset about a year out, then I’m justified being upset in the moment.

    Finally, another tool of perspective is the cosmic absurdity of it all. Here we are, sharing this tiny mossy pebble of a space ship called Earth, in the middle of the goddamn boondocks of outer space. If this entire planet disappeared overnight, the universe at large wouldn’t even notice. For an inconceivable distance in every direction is a cosmic lifeless void. In the absolute grand scheme of things, all these little grievances are so insignificant. It’s insane that any of us are here. We’ll return to infinite nothingness soon enough. Take a deep breath, enjoy the ride while it lasts.

    Idk maybe hit a joint once in a while too lol

  • So there’s several high caliber films I’ve seen a bunch, like Pulp Fiction, Memento, etc… but I think the actual movie I’ve seen the most times is The Room.

    For the uninitiated, The Room is the worst movie of all time. Tommy Wiseau wrote, produced, directed, and starred in this disasterpiece. It’s so bad, they made a movie about the book about the making of The Room. It’s like watching a train wreck in slow motion for 90 minutes.

    I’ve been responsible for many people’s first viewings, which means I’ve seen it far, far more than I should. I almost got to meet Tommy and Greg (plays Tommy’s best friend in film) at a screening but icy ass rain made the trek too dangerous.

    I’d say it’s a must see for anyone who enjoys film. Every other movie will feel better after comparing it to this flaming bag of garbage. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you’ll say “wtf” at least 7 times.

  • Not really since RIF is RIP. I do miss some extra content from niche communities, but I’m hoping Lemmy will grow enough to fill those gaps. Reddit was also a big news source, but I’ll be hitting other news outlets until Lemmy gets there too.

    Here’s hoping Lemmy will be able to scratch my various music and art itches enough. No interest in going back to reddit these days though. The site I knew and loved over the last decade+ is no more. It’s sucked seeing it devolve over the years. Feels a lot like when everyone’s mom got facebook.