Nope. I don’t talk about myself like that.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • It has nothing to do with belief(although I’m sure some militant atheists chose to use lowercase universally, they’re likely just grammatically ignorant) . It’s noun vs descriptor. Abrahamic God (and Muslim doesn’t matter either… it’s the same entity in all three) is literally it’s name. A proper noun. In your example of Thor, god is just a description, not his proper name. But Thor is not a good example as he’s actually a demigod, but demigod is never capitalized as there is no god called “Demigod”. Odin is the god of war and the dead… and ruler of valhalla as a more accurate entity to discuss.

    God is a god. My god is God. Both of these previous sentences are grammatically correct. The Bible itself even makes these distinctions. Example:

    John 10:33-36 (KJV):

    33The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God. 34Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

    Other sources agree.

    Other examples of the phenomenon… “The other day, Mom cooked with the other moms.” You call your mom “Mom” as a proper noun. Where mom is a general descriptor for the other women your mom was cooking with. “Is she your mom” vs “Mom is calling for you”.

  • (or worse, the guy who wrote it claims that he found this text written by someone else 50 years ago)

    Oh it’s way worse than 50 years. One of the “direct” claims of writing was Josephus. With the text written 65 years after Jesus would have lived… and the next reference to text of [Josephus’ writing on] Jesus being from 350AD… ~250 years later. With the actual direct references showing up 100 years later. So somehow we have a supposed account… That writer writing about it 250 years later write about… Just for what was mentioned to change 100 years after that. We literally have a documented accounting of the evolution of the text over time which couldn’t happen if the original source was maintained.

    Edit: omitted words I meant to type… In brackets above.

  • The best we have is letters from a whole generation after his death

    Not really even “letters”. But literally 2 accounts. One we’re attributing doesn’t even mention the correct name at the time. Jesus was often referenced as Yoshua at the time… So why the fuck did the account call him James? And the second account doesn’t mention a name at all.

    Edit: I need to clarify something since my phrasing is self-defeating (on purpose)… “often referenced as Yoshua at the time” as believed by biblical scholars who are almost universally religious. But the point remains. If the information we have now doesn’t line up with what the accounts state (or the bible)… then how much of this shit is just made up bullshit?

    And the 2 accounts are Tacitus (116 AD)

    Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius

    and Josephus Flavius (95 AD)

    Testimonium Flavianum
    About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he was one who performed surprising deeds and was a teacher of such people as accept the truth gladly. He won over many Jews and many of the Greeks. He was the Christ.

    And by the way… Josephus’ account is under heavy scrutiny and is general considered unreliable at best… and downright forgery at worst. The wiki articles linked are a good read and well sourced.

    A really damning case in my opinion is:

    that although twelve Christian authors refer to Josephus before Eusebius in AD 324, none mentions the Testimonium.

    So other early authors that were Christian referenced Josephus works, but ignore the one that actually mentions Jesus directly? That seems odd no? Almost like the work was fabricated AFTER 324AD.

  • So you painted all if as a tankie fest and got banned. Just like I stated.

    I was literally followed around by a moderator of who was screaming at me tankie shit. There’s nothing nuanced there. I noticed you ignored the fact that the thread got locked and deleted though. Not sure how you can continue to defend it when shown that your own example is actually a counterexample. Here’s a moderator on on a couple large communities. Scroll through and you’ll find ACTUALLY xenophobic remarks. You’ll find hate speech, you’ll find ALL of it. But because it’s pro-china, it’s okay. When you endorse moderators like this on your instance, you’re a tankie instance.

    Be glad that it’s not for criticizing israel like /news and /politics on .world does. And if you point it out on those instances your comment also gets removed and you get banned.

    I’ll criticize Israel too if it’s warranted in the conversation. I’ve yet to be banned from any other instance other than

  • .ml very often features criticism about Russia and/or China without being removed. Case in point the Tienanmen square posts yesterday and today.

    Ah yes… So much criticism there… Totally allowing outside viewpoints! No overzealous modding happening here! the entire comments of the linked thread is all pro-china going, with many outright claiming that tiananmen square didn’t happen or were a creation of western media.

    The other thread named the same thing (cross-post) completely deleted. Notice that “delete” or “removed” isn’t in the modlog. Exactly as OP has stated that admins are doing on some instances.

    This is the primary reason I have my own instance. Power tripping mods and admins cannot remove content from my server. I can view all the comments I like WITHOUT the interference of those people. Make my own choices rather than having them made for me.

    Now those newer perspectives aren’t per-se correct. Many times you will find Tankies. Had one guy try to deny the Uyghur concentration camps. But I didn’t get banned for disagreeing with him because my replies didn’t consist of “lmao ur a tankie”.

    And yet, I’ve been banned from for saying, verbatim

    “Because being critical of a Russian company = racism. At least according to and users.” in response to someone else asking why “how is not liking Kaspersky, in and of itself, racist or xenophobic?”. So much “Xenophobia” packed into my answer right? Considering that ban was handed out by dessalines himself. I’m going to have to agree with your “Many times you will find Tankies” statement, and that’s because nearly the whole of and are all tankies.

  • Saik0@lemmy.saik0.comtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlCan I refuse MS Authenticator?
    1 month ago

    Because that shit only works in fantasy land.

    Glad to know my company, and the companies I contract for are fantasy land then.

    employees WILL expect support

    And they will get it if they use the company default options.

    Nothing about this is losing. I’m CIO for 3 separate companies (2 by contract). None of them have issues with this type of policy. We do bare minimum to not limit the toolset they can use and support a specific set of tools that we like the best. That’s it. Those who are smart enough to use their own tools clearly know enough about IT to make good decisions that we can trust. The rest use the default tools… and we support those tools explicitly.

    More importantly, we’re not shitting on those who ARE making good decisions overall, but just have a preference. That makes the employees feel heard and keeps them happy. Keeping them happier keeps everyone more productive.

  • This is disingenuous though… You can simply reset the TOTP seed on any account to achieve the same operation. We use AuthLite on a local domain… I can disable an account domain-wide by simply resetting the TOTP seed or disabling the account. Using an Azure domain and MS app doesn’t add any value in that regards. All of the online office stuff can be linked onto a local domain as well and would also be disabled.

  • Saik0@lemmy.saik0.comtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlCan I refuse MS Authenticator?
    1 month ago

    I’m pushing to make us exclusive because I’m sick of the IT support guys trying to support a dozen apps.

    While I understand this… Why not just refuse to support and NOT remove the capability for all those who don’t need support and work just fine with their own? It’s not like TOTP isn’t a solved problem at this point.

    Eg. “we only support MS auth, If you choose to use your own you will not receive any company support.”

  • Not sure I understand what the faraday cage would accomplish. It’s the companies device. You’d be skipping this presumption outlined earlier in the thread

    they are entitled and expected to track it as much as my work laptop or any other company equipment.

    Leaving the work phone at work is a valid answer to me. Assuming that doesn’t actually come with any other downsides (working offsite and having to return to the office on unpaid time just to drop off the phone for example).

  • Saik0@lemmy.saik0.comtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlCan I refuse MS Authenticator?
    1 month ago

    Or I brought up a point that you didn’t consider, and rather than addressing it you need to resort to low level ad hominem. You contradicted yourself. Either explain the contradiction or move on. There’s no point in this comment unless you’re attempting to discredit me without reason which just makes you look bad.