Sounds fiddly lol. Not to knock it, everyone has their thing, I just don’t think I’ve heard that one before.
Sounds fiddly lol. Not to knock it, everyone has their thing, I just don’t think I’ve heard that one before.
I was going to guess Rifts because I’ve heard crazy things about their setting, too.
There’s a YouTube channel that focuses on how to make cool atmospheric D&D environments like this. I think it’s called AtmosSeeker? They’re smaller than I think they should be.
That is hilarious. I can imagine it with perfect clarity lol
I haven’t seen these posts, either. But I have to ask, are you this person?
By that logic, the NY Times should be banned as a source. They’re opinion section is chocked full of basically the pro US point of view and defending Israel (including a memo advocating genocide denial). One-sided coverage, poorly sourced, nakedly biased, it all applies to them, too.
Allowing sources from all points of view, as long as the facts are true, seems better than picking and choosing due to bias. Even these “centrist” institutions have their own biases.
The downside of the fediverse =(
Wasn’t that the German or instance? I wonder why they went down. They seemed so big and established.
Really? That second teleport ability sounds super fun. It means the players have to run around the battlefield fighting the monster, and interacting with the terrain, not just standing in front of each other trading blows. Plus it only happens once a round anyway so you can strategize around it.
The first ability also sounds super cool. At that level there are ways around these things anyway. The friendly casters may have teleports of fly spells, players have dimension door and other crazy abilities from their various magic items they’ve collected for 20 levels, and a DC 27 save at that level probably isn’t that hard to hit anyway.
Just goes to show how subjective fun is I suppose because that description makes me more excited to fight that then the standard bag of hit points 5e tarrasque.
Same. The monsters are amazing, and would be a big boost to 5e, but I haven’t been playing it as much lately.
Cool list. #10 reminds me of Vash the Stampede
I’d like to get more tabletop rpg content back on ttrpg.network if possible. So in that spirit, just want to remind people that
!dndnext@ttrpg.network !rpg@ttrpg.network
Both exist
Arrest you for protesting a genocide or trying to get an abortion? No, sorry, that’s something people in the US have to worry about when their government has their data, not China.
Considering our data is being bought and sold by US companies to whoever I don’t think this is going to help with that. Tbh, I’m more scared of the US having our data than China. The US can use it to find people seeking abortions, or to track protestors trying to get human rights, or things like that. Not China. I’d rather they make a general law to preserve privacy, but this half-assed measure to preserve US monopolies.
The revealed their code to a US company already: Oracle.
They just don’t like that the youth use it to see what’s happening in other parts of the world, like Palestine. They want to be able to keep the US populace within their propaganda bubble, in the state we were in when we didn’t know about things like the Irgun or The Great March of Return.
Right? It seems repetitive.
And if you can convince someone else to watch it with you, even better! Unfortunately, it’s so hard to get my partner to watch new shows and movies lol.
I’m probably going to have to watch it again. There was so much going on, so many mysteries and conspiracies, that I’ve forgotten most of it by this time.
Why is this post down voted so hard? Is it because it didn’t have a link at first?
I used to love this comic! Is still going?