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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • I’m profound deaf. I sign, write and speak. :)

    Well, sign language aren’t superior. Having both : subtitles (hard hearing people) and sign language (deaf people) is better. I prefer subtitle because it is closer to the speech and i’m not fond of sign video. Often the sign interpreter is small and sign very quickly.

    In general, i prefer text, it help me focusing on the content instead of the person and use less bandwidth…

    Sign language still lacks lot vocabulary. It’s a young language «created» in the 18s when Abée de l’Épée founded the first deaf school. And i had to create lot technical signs with sign language interpreters during my agricultural course. Furthermore, they don’t have an official sign writing yet, and it is a problem for keeping human knowledge and culture outside video and technological device. So there is still lot things to do and improve.

    In France, lot deaf people aren’t fluent with French writing due to the lack of bilingual school (French writing and French sign language) and interpreters (eg : only 200 hours in sign language for 1 year in universities).

    So, having sign language improves a lot the accessibility for deaf people as they are not fluent with writing language. For me, i prefer both. Both are good and it meet each people need. :)

  • Well, thank for this enlightement. Guess if i haven’t stumbled on this post, i would never knew from other people’s perspective.

    Well, I often use this apology : “I’m sorry you fell that way…” to acknowledge that people don’t have the same kind of sensibility. Some things hurt me but won’t and will never hurt you and vice-versa. And that’s normal.

    I do it as i think it’s the norm while feeling sorry. I don’t know how they interact, i mostly copy-pasta while i’m doing my best to repair my mistake and improve things.

    So, the sentence wasn’t about myself but the inherently human’s feeling and interaction.

  • No, we shoudn’t. Framasoft, the french libre software NGO published an interesting article about mastodon and twitter (in french). To sum up, the article tells us we shouldn’t follow twitter footstep (it was before Elon Musk became the CEO) but embrace the fediverse.

    So, imho, after reading their post, it is clear that we are just copy-pasting some proprietary software and it’s a mistake because we may integrated some problematic design that were intended for analysis and ads purpose. And those proprietary software were a golden cage.

    The fediverse is not lemmy, it’s not mastodon. And the timeline is limited by its UI design to lemmyverse or mastodonverse. It shouldn’t. We should open them more while having good moderating tool.

    But firstly, Lemmy should improve their moderating tool. As a moderator in, and because our admin explained us various issues : the current state of Lemmy is worrying.

    So until those matter aren’t solved, i don’t want to see any community’s grow bigger nor openness to the fediverse because we aren’t ready and can’t protect other communities in the fediverse.

  • Yeah, those game are great. Stranded, will look that. There is also Eco. And i would add getting over it :)

    Another economical system ? Let’s say universal income, bank of time ? Libre currency ? An anarchy system with several democraty system and quadratic vote ? A shared decision along other mayors (players) ? I’m willing to explore those ideas where the idea of grow is simply erased along infinite ressource. Basnished is somewhat close to it as resources are limited.

    Something that follow GIEC’s recommendation where building the biggest city will result a game over and economic collapse.

    Horizontality skill system. Veloren try to do that but it’s not what i’m seeking. Maybe soul game are closer as you learn how to be better instead of using skill, weapon, armor ? It would erase the experience point in rpg system. There is no grow. You are just a human with the same set as everyone. No better armor, no new skills. So you can be killed by a new player.

    Collaborative game instead competitive one . There are lot ideas to explore as relationship. :)

  • Hmmm, quite hard to choose. I would say an anticapitalist game. Most of game focus on growing, gaining power and i never saw an game that has horizontal power hard coded to its bone.

    For example : city skyline unlock new building based on population threesold. The city development is geared toward growing, expanding and creating new job. That’s bad. We can’t live in this kind of world anymore and yet we fail to imagime something different.

    Can’t we imagine a new economical system and set up new variable ? Or a game that go beyond the scope of heroes’s story ? Why should we be special ?