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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • As someone also with a largely mysterious, if diagnosed, medical condition, have you tried meditation?

    Just kidding! I get tons of well meaning, often worthless advice, but that’s by far the most common. I’m like, bitch, I meditate so goddamn much I’m giving the fucking Buddha pointers. Meditation is the only reason I’m not throwing you (and maybe myself with you) out the window right now.

    If I may give you one non-medical suggestion from someone who has been there and to some extent still is there, it’ll get better as long as you don’t give up. You have to be dogged about improvement and it won’t be fast or easy, but it’ll be there if you put in the work. People who don’t understand will think you’re being crazy and obsessive, telling you that you need to just come to terms with your condition. Coming to terms is a part of it, but there’s always, always something to try. Improving my condition is my biggest hobby and primary job.

    I’ve been plugging away at improving my health for four years now and went from barely being able to function to being 80% normal. I’m working full time again (I know, oh joy) and I can do a lot of the things I used to be able to do. You’ll get there, just keep at it. Let me know if I can help or if you ever need to talk, even just to vent.

  • Testicular torsion. As a teenager, I woke up early in the morning with the worst back and stomach pain I had ever felt in my life. I remember thinking I might be sick, vomiting, then passing out from the pain. My parents found me later that morning because I was delirious and moaning. They took me to the hospital and it was fixed.

    Just kidding! My parents are shit bags so they told me I just had the flu and I was being dramatic. After my testicle swelled up to over double the size later that day, they called our family doctor who said I probably had a hydrocele and he’d look at it when he got back from vacation. For the record, mine was textbook testicular torsion, my doctor was as idiotically negligent as my parents.

    The pain again became excruciating that evening and I was exhausted from lack of sleep, so I started yelling and demanding my parents take me to the hospital, which they did the next morning. There was TV to be watched, they couldn’t bother with taking care of their children. The ER determined my testicle was quite dead. Surgery was scheduled for that evening and I’ve had one testicle since. Get fucked, mom and dad.