Yea, idk maybe I’ll have moments of introspection but the default should be the flippant response I gave. OP, don’t give more then you want to people like that. Tell them to put in the work to be better or just leave them to their pud.
Yea, idk maybe I’ll have moments of introspection but the default should be the flippant response I gave. OP, don’t give more then you want to people like that. Tell them to put in the work to be better or just leave them to their pud.
Dissect all ya want. But in the end it usually comes down to exactly that. Why do we have to expend so much mental energy on fools?
Because some boys are little bitches.
I’m sure there’s technical things to consider here. I’d leave it to the app dev to work that out. The point being that removing that choice by default might yield more users.
You’re missing the point. My comment is about induced friction causing people to walk away.
Idk I think the sign up phase could be simpler. A default instance and clear short documentation upon sign up would help. I say this not for me (nerd for 30 years) but just got my partner to switch and they were resistent due to the account creation process. Maybe it’s just the extra dimensions of “picking an instance” but it is a thing and a blocker for engagement.
Don’t think that’s a thing since they dropped sms
My response to myself was a follow up to my thought. Why do you think I have some inauthentic narrative here? So far you’ve accused me of being a transphobe and creating sock puppet accounts. With zero rational. I have no interest in some troll ust lobbying unfounded accusations. I suggest you seek help as you seem very paranoid. I’m also done with this conversation as you’ve proven to be unhinged.
When religion is used to deny others their human rights then religion can fuck right off. I don’t see any of these other protected classes using that protection as an offensive tool.
Well I’d say being anti religion is not the same. For one it’s punching up at the moment. I don’t care what you practice with yourself but growing up in a system that uses Christianity as a cudgle has really pissed me off. I also don’t agree with those morons saying homosexuality is a choice, that’s categorically false imo. To be honest I don’t feel that religion should be a protected class when I see it solely used to hurt others. I think you’re also just trying to associate me with those bigots for some weird reason and honestly I don’t appreciate it.
Don’t really understand your last sentence there. Seems inflammatory though. Religion is something you are not born with that’s my point. It’s akin to your favorite sports team as far as I’m concerned.
Ohh was just musing on it from a legal perspective. It’s the one thing I can think of that’s a decision driven protected class.
Is making fun of a religion hate speech? Like religion is a choice to embrace so its kind of weird that it’s a protected class, despite the pilgrims fleeing it.
This is just the Linux way but with… Rest? Seems slow.