Your description made me think of The Golden Palominos.
Your description made me think of The Golden Palominos.
.mod files for music. 3-5mins+ of music a piece with a storage footprint in the KB range. Mostly free, tons available online. Check out Mod archive for an easy web interface or ZXTune if you’re on android.
I have had this happen. Mostly with weird, old, or cheap (or some combination thereof) hardware. Like sometimes the connection will hitch for a moment then three or four letters will come out backwards. Couldn’t say for sure what the cause is but I suspect either the controller in the board itself is jank, or there’s some kind of protocol / buffer mismatch. I have no solution, but it’s not just you.
Huh. That actually sounds familiar now that you write it out in full. I guess we’re both right.
Maybe that’s the policy at some stores, but according to the ACCC, it has to be sold at the cheaper price, or not sold at all.
There was that artist back in the early 2000s who made caviar from her own eggs.
Psygnosis did a remake in the late '90s.
There is also an indie VR game I’ve played that’s heavily based on it, damned if I can remember the name tho. I believe it’s on sidequest.
Surprised I had to scroll this far to see DooM 2. Guess I’m getting old.
She had nasal surgery. Doc taught her this to prevent sneezing out the packing.
Suck the roof of your mouth with your tongue to stop a sneeze.
I have smol web Gemini blog that I put up to practise writing regular posts in a low-pressure environment. Mostly themed on the intersection of food, technology and politics. As expected, I’m terrible at updating. I do plan to migrate to WordPress eventually.
Positive: Everyone has a voice
Negative: Everyone has a voice
If you like Garbage you’ll probably like Curve.
We don’t have Sun Chips here so I’m not aware of this, but I’d be really curious to learn how much of that freakout was genuine and how much was engineered by entities with a vested interest in maintaining status quo.
Money. Plastic is so integrated into the supply chain that divesting from it would require retooling probably thousands of bottling plants, at significant expense, with no guarantee of ROI.
School work:
Left = Jabref
Center = texmaker
Right = PubMed, Elsevier, sci hub, etc
Left = discord
Center = game
Right = game guide, YouTube, media
Work (I hate literally all of these programs):
Left: slack
Center: Asana, onenote
Right: gdocs
One of my math teachers spent an entire semester teaching us how to gamble. He used it to teach us how statistics and probability worked. Final assessment was to set up mock bookie offices for a fairly famous local horse race.
Reddit was an easy switch for me because there wasn’t a social cost to leaving. There’s no way the discord communities I’m part of are switching, way too much hassle.
Strictly speaking this is a subset of what the food industry calls reformulation. They’ll also reformulate a product for other reasons (eg to reduce sugar/fat/salt or add a vitamin so they can make a health claim, tweak the flavour if it isn’t performing well, etc) but reducing materials and manufacturing costs is a big part of it. Maybe we can coin the term “deformulation”.