• 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Takios@feddit.detoich_iel@feddit.deich_iel
    4 months ago

    In einer gut funktionierenden Firma in der die Moral bereits auf einem guten Level ist durch gute Arbeitsbedingungen ist ein Pizzatag auf jeden Fall eine gute Sache. Wenn die Arbeiter jedoch bereits unzufrieden sind, wird sich ein Pizzatag wohl eher wie Hohn anfühlen. Insbesondere wenn es dann nur eine einmalige Sache ist und bitte ja jeder nur ein Stück nimmt!

  • Jumped into the newest patch and expedition of No Man’s Sky. Always good fun but after finishing the tasks of the expedition I always get bored very quickly. :D

    In Baldur’s Gate 3 I’m stuck in a fight against a boss in act 3, always getting absolutely smashed even though I’m highest level and have (I think) decent equipment and spells. Haven’t found any guide that explains a way to deal with the fight in the intended way, everyone just says to cheese the fight which I’d like to honestly avoid. :/

  • I had to start Pillars 1 multiple times until it clicked for me and I was able to finish it. It’s a good foundation that Pillars 2 very much improved on. A feature in 2 I absolutely love and wish more party-based games would include is the (albeit rudimentary) editor for the party behavior.
    I often struggle controlling multiple units at once so that editor was a godsend for me! Too bad it’s the only game I can think of that has something like this. :(