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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • In my case, since I get DashPass through my CC (not directly paying for it), I’ve seen it discounted to below the price some restaurants list on their websites. I pick up all my orders myself though.

    I wouldn’t pay for DashPass directly, personally speaking at least. I don’t use DD nearly enough to justify investing more into it vs. just ordering on the restaurant’s website or calling in the order. The only reason I even use DD is because I get that as a benefit through my CC and it usually pushes the prices to same or lower as ordering directly.

  • I’m not sure which game this comment is in context of, but steam reviews showcase the issues pretty clearly. For example, I went on the steam reviews for MTGA at one point for fun and saw a comment complaining about there not being enough white male masculine looking avatars. I’m not sure how Gideon Jura (literally the definition, even in cards, of a masculine white guy) and Garruk are not masculine enough for this person lol.

    Most likely, from how the comment read, they were complaining about the female portraits and portraits with non-white characters. I’m assuming they missed the NB character portrait (Niko Aris) since they didn’t specifically call them out.

    I also remember back when Horizon: Zero Dawn came out there were a lot of people complaining about a female MC. Personally, that was one of my favorite parts of the game since it gave a non-traditional perspective of the story in my opinion. Maybe some people disagree, and that’s fine, but giving a game a poor review just because the MC is female is honestly just a dishonest review of the game.

    You are not entitled to my money.

    I don’t think the article claimed anyone was, at least from my read of it. It’s your loss if you refuse to enjoy games over such a petty reason though.

    It’s also honestly just childish to give a game you haven’t played a bad review for having a more diverse cast. The main character is literally on the box art - if it bothers you, then the game is clearly not for you. It’s like me reviewing an otome game poorly because I don’t like otome games.

  • This sounds like a nightmare for production lines. Items on belts just randomly turning into spoilage? I hate thinking about how this will break so many common factory setups, and I like this change just as much for that same reason. Just filtering out spoilage at the end of a belt won’t be enough for some designs, especially when 3+ ingredients are involved in the recipe (so two input belts). It’ll be interesting to come up with new designs that can filter the inputs mid-belt to remove the spoilage, since it’s inevitable if your inputs come faster than you can process them.

    Can’t wait to see the update.

  • Feels like we could have both by ditching tenure and allowing professors to express their opinions (so long as it doesn’t interfere with teaching, of course).

    Anecdotally, my business ethics professor in college was a very open libertarian. I’ll never agree with his politics, but despite that, he was an excellent teacher, and one of the better ones I had at the school overall. On the other hand, none of the classes I had that were run by tenured professors were any good, with one professor even giving us the wrong exam once and having us complete it anyway, even though it had material we weren’t even expected to know.

  • I’ve seen this in a few places on desktop, and I have no clue why it’s even a feature. I’m not aware of anyone using it anywhere (although to be fair I haven’t thought to ask).

    As for why it’s enabled by default, probably for visibility. The easiest way to get people to use a feature is to make them use it and make them explicitly disable it (if even an option). For AI training, they could theoretically just capture typing data and messages regardless of if the feature is enabled/disabled anyway.

  • On the flip side, nobody can be expected to keep their website up for 4000 years. Hosting costs money and time, and at some point, the thing you’re hosting will fall out of relevance enough to no longer be worth the cost.

    This is why archiving is important. Hopefully most of the content that was lost was archived at some point. Getting a good chunk of that content onto long term storage would do future generations a favor (even if it’s just a bunch of tape storage locked away in a warehouse or something).

  • I managed to get ollama running through Docker easily. It’s by far the least painful of the options I tried, and I just make requests to the API it exposes. You can also give it GPU resources through Docker if you want to, and there’s a CLI tool for a quick chat interface if you want to play with that. I can get LLAMA 3 (8B) running on my 3070 without issues.

    Training a LLM is very difficult and expensive. I don’t think it’s a good place for anyone to start. Many of the popular models (LLAMA, GPT, etc) are astronomically expensive to train and require and ungodly number of resources.