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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Like you said, language evolves. People are deciding that the definition you follow is very limited and constrains dialogue by being needlessly exclusionary. So they’re seeking to expand the definition to its logical conclusion.

    You can throw a fit about other Semitic people being recognized or you can accept that language changes to fit our current understanding of the world.

    Antisemitism still refers to prejudice against Jewish people. It’s also being extended to all Semitic people as to disallow them the ability to categorize prejudice against them is to obfuscate and to an extent even deny their own reality.

  • That’s not an answer to the question.

    Interesting that you use the idea that English is a living language to push back against people using a term in a way you’ve decided is incorrect. Seems like you don’t think English is that alive after all if you refuse to incorporate all Semitic people into the concept of antisemitism.

    You can’t cite descriptivist arguments to defend your prescriptivist attitude towards the term antisemitism. It betrays your own bias and deflates your argument.

    Language evolves, just like you said. Which is why people are realizing the double speak nature of this idea that antisemitism is only when you’re prejudiced against a specific Semitic people group and the others don’t get a term to describe prejudice against them. Your position is an Orwellian attempt to deny a group of people the ability to specifically identify their oppression and it’s sad.

  • Sounds like you think dune was pretty unscientific for not describing the chemical makeup of spice. Still a science fiction story. You don’t have to spell out every detail of a tech for it to be scientific in a fictional story. You seem to understand this in bringing up dune even.

    What medieval fantasy world has world war 2 styled flying combat? I think your read is way off base. It’s science fantasy, a blend of common fantasy and sci fi. There are attempts to give scientific explanations to concepts that aren’t magical like FTL and there are mystical explanations given for things that are magical like the force.

    Bottom line is that even fantasy needs some grounding or the story becomes uninteresting and hard to follow. It’s a space fantasy but that doesn’t mean technology is absent from the world.

    Btw the explanation I gave for FTL is what was said if it in the original trilogy so don’t act like it’s not firmly established.

  • FTL is achieved by using manufactured engines to propel a ship faster than the speed of light.

    Hyper lanes are created by doing an FTL jump and not running into any hazards, designating the path you just took as a hyper lane.

    Kyber crystals seem to be an intersection between technology and magic from my research though so you’re half right here. The crystals are naturally forming conduits that channel magic force energy and vibrate to generate the blade of the weapon.

    All of these things were researched in the last 5 minutes. You could’ve known this stuff yourself if you actually felt like looking it up.

  • The technology isn’t presented as magical so yes. Just because people can move objects with their mind doesn’t mean gravity doesn’t exist.

    Suspension of disbelief only works if it feels like you’re trying to make the system consistent. If you start doing whatever you want because the story isn’t entirely based on our reality then it becomes an uninteresting story