Also can’t forget gaming companies that have turned many modern games into Skinner-boxes.
Oh, hey satan
SNES - I love 16bit pixel art.
I’ve noticed that some people do use other filters than “Hot” or they scroll back in smaller communities, because I’ll occasionally get comment replies to posts I made months ago. It’s cool to see.
Does the Active feed work this way?
I remember you! I see posts all the time and notice “Ah, it’s that Sag fellow again”
You pass the perception check and spot the mimic.
100% agree. I like DMs having more hazards and obstacles at their disposal.
It’s almost not worth picking up at character creation if the DM is probably going to ignore it.
I think this is it. I like the D&D edit better.
I think still yes, when a problem is abundantly clear, but borderline cases can more easily be left to individual preference.
Yes, but it’s not what you’re picturing probably. They count up by 10 from 00-90 and are usually rolled with a d10 so that you can get all the numbers between 1-100.
Thanks, friend.
Oh right, this is the star wars meme community.
There’s a 3-dot options button next to “quote” that has “Text Faces”.
(ง ื▿ ื)ว ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
Oh my god, I’d never tried tapping this button before.
Say what you want
I will! I loved the prequels and think they improved upon the music, choreography, and world-building of the originals. I also think Hayden Christiansen did a great job portraying a moody, arrogant teen who was too strong for his own good, and much of the criticism about his performance was unfair because he was supposed to be irrational.
This is a quality shower thought.