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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • They killed Lincoln but they couldn’t kill the abolitionist movement. Congress ratified three of the most progressive laws written in a century and the Freedman’s Bureau took to the job of enfranchising and rehabilitating millions of black ex-slaves in the subsequent decade.

    Pick up a copy of W.E.B DuBois’s “The Souls of Black Folk”. What he describes is, at it’s heart, a revolution in how our country treated men and women of African descent. It set the foundation for the next century of civil rights and paved the way for a modern era in which the core racist underpinning of the country are totally upended.

    That kind of fundamental change would not have been possible under a Breckinridge administration, nor would it have been possible if the Union had been crippled into submission at Gettysburg or Antitem.

    Lincoln was the tip of the abolitionist spear and critical to what came after. But he was not alone. And he was by no means the most radical voice within his party. His martyrdom became the bloody shirt that Republicans rallied under long after the war had ended.

  • More artists are coming up through tik tok now than the radio.

    The radio isn’t a thousand independent stations looking to fill air time with local talent, it’s a handful of mega-monoliths looking to maximize advertising revenue with the Most Popular Thing (that fits the corporate agenda).

    This relationship shows that being attractive will improve a persons odds of being successful in music.

    Blandly conventionally attractive, to boot. Could we even do Amy Winehouse in the modern moment? Could we see Eminem or Maryl Manson or Buddy Holly or Ray Charles or Billie Holiday topping the charts? Idfk anymore. Seems like it’s easier than ever to blacklist anyone who is even remotely controversial. Plenty of attractive people who will do the Brittany Spears thing for fear of being the next Dixie Chicks.

    Maybe if personality can shine through in those videos it can overtake appearance.

    Unfortunately, the personality that shines brightest seems to be the kind that singles you’re an asshole.

    Just ask P Diddy and Kanye.

  • Do you think music nowadays puts more emphasis on the appearance of the artist than before?

    I think the question is backwards. What we have isn’t a prioritization of appearance but a reduction of advertised talent combined with a professionalization of cosmetics. When you’ve consecrated your industry around a bare handful of performers, you can pick out the fist full of people that check every box.

    Beyonce, Swift, Usher, and Bieber cover all the bases.

    But once you get outside that rarified niche of promoted talent? Do you really think Post Malone is famous for his good looks? Is Kishi Bashi just coasting on his pretty face?

    I don’t really think so.

  • warlocks have more fun than any other class

    Love to be dragged into a plane of eternal torment and subjected to the most nightmarish cruelty my patron can devise, because I failed to fulfill condition XXVI.a.243-0.1 in the infernal contract.

    Love to have a creature of mad whimsy show up to cause sheer bedlam at the worst possible moment, because I stumbled in a grove half-starved and ate fruit from the wrong Fae Lord’s magical bush a lifetime ago.

    Love to be forever trapped under the unblinking eye of the Divine Surveillance State with an angel’s merciless glare boring holes into the back of my neck because my great-great-great-grandfather pledged himself to the seventh generation as part of the Glorious Crusade of the Most Righteous High One.

    Warlocks having so much fun right now… weee… :-(

  • I think that those animals would absolutely do the same thing if they had the physical and mental capabilities

    Definitely depends on the animal. Bonobos and Chimpanzees - our two nearest relatives - have dramatically different dispositions and cultural patterns. Go further back in history and you’ll find six or seven other close ancestors to homo sapiens spread across the globe, each of which developed their own distinct behaviors.

    Even to say “they’d behave like humans” requires a very broad brush, because human behavioral patterns are also extremely variable. The Columbian explores had a dramatically different social pattern than the West Indies neighbors they initially encountered.

    Since there are finite resources, if they’re too successful they start to become victims of their own success.

    This goes back to the infinite growth engine of solar energy. If you can capture more sun - either directly or by proxy - you can grow with fewer bounds. Organisms best suited to this task fruitfully multiple. But there are still evolutionary dead-ends - patterns that seem fruitful in the moment but only because of a temporary state of affairs.

    The engine of evolutionary development is an erratic oscillation between environmental compromise and conflict, exploration and exploitation, production and consumption. Because the rules are always changing, there’s no permanent winning strategy.