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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 5th, 2023


  • Just recently I had a tech store guy gently but repeatedly insist to me that a certain USB cable was a USB 3 cable because it was type C on both ends. I didn’t wanna argue with him, but the box clearly said “480 Mbit”, so it was just a type C charging cable.

    Of course the box designers were hoping you’d make that mistake so they didn’t write USB 2 on there, just the speed. And most boxes won’t even have that, you’ll just have to buy it and see.

    But I mean if someone who spent their whole life fixing computers can get something that basic wrong, then it’s really a hopeless situation for anyone who isn’t techy.

    And of course once it’s out of the box it’s anyone’s guess what it is. It’s a real mess for sure.

  • What’s up with the abuse of the word open lately. I had a look at that project to see how they were doing the conversion, but I couldn’t find it. But I found this:

    Short answer, yes! OpenScanCloud (OSC) is and will stay closed source…

    Your data will be transferred through Dropbox and stored/processed on my local servers. I will use those image sets and resulting 3d models for further research, but none of your data will be published without your explicit consent!

    I feel like I’d rather use Autodesk at that point. At least I know what I’m dealing with right out of the gate.