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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Speaking of chess, you might be able to argue that some old RTS games are puzzle games when playing campaign, such as the first Command & Conquer. You often have very limited resources, the AI will do specific things at specific times or with specific triggers, and you’re often given specific constraints, like a time limit or keeping a specific thing alive. In this case, though, it’s mostly because the AI is so primitive that almost every action is scripted in advance for that specific map.

  • The movie had some other solid stuff. Rey has a natural affinity for the dark side, but that she chooses the light in spite of that is what makes her the hero. Similarly, Kylo is a natural with the light but chooses the dark. The dark side also isn’t evil so much as it is playing with fire, which was a popular interpretation in the old EU. Rey and Finn are also given actual motivations instead of just pinballing through the plot. Whether the motivations actually work is a different question, but the fact they had no reason to be there in TFA really bugged me.

    I do still think Rey and Kylo should have traded sides in the throne room scene, though.

  • The Jedi Order always implodes due to the council gradually becoming terrified that their knights will fall to the dark side and turning draconian. Someone rebels and takes the whole thing down, usually with Sith help. The survivors get a much healthier world view, then eventually rebuild the Order in a more enlightened manner. Then the Order decays and implodes again. The Jedi seem to be at their best as a philosophy rather than as an organization.

  • Tractor beams have limits. You would probably need a fleet of Cubes to tractor the Death Star.

    Stars have been demonstrated to be too much for a Cube’s shields, so that strategy is out. Interestingly, Federation shields consistently hold up longer in that scenario. It’s likely the Borg favor a low energy but high efficiency design that’s good at neutralizing specific energy bands or something, but can’t handle all of them at once. The Feds, on the other hand, just make super tanky shields.

    But yeah, if the Death Star doesn’t manage to kill it with the main gun before it gets within transporter range, then the Cube wins. Even a single drone will compromise the station. The Empire’s best bet would be to have Vader on board and close enough to the infection to get there before a few hundred crew are assimilated.

    A Star Destroyer might have better odds simply because it does have shields, but the Borg are routinely shown transporting through shields anyway, so who knows.