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A Reddit refugee after 8 years of Reddit-ing

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • I have a few shortlisted

    My parent’s 2010 Ram 1500, the interior is rather comfy but the reliability is just not there. At 100k km the engine blew up, apparently this is still an issue with the current ones as the 5.7L V8 still has the same flaw allowing for some components to drop into the cylinder. There’s also been random electrical components that have died relatively fast, and whatever metal was used rusted exponentially even with rust proofing being applied twice a year. It had more rust than their 2011 Toyota Highlander that had greater than 300k km

    I also just hated when I had to drive it downtown, but I can’t exactly blame the vehicle for that.

    2011 Toyota highlander, it went through 3 transmissions, 5 rear wiper motors, and it was about to go on to its 4th transmission when they sold it. The 3rd one didn’t even last much more than a year.

    2006 Rav 4 (V6), this car also went through 2 transmissions, and then had to have the entire steering column replaced by year 2

    ~2016 Ford Fusion, this was a rental car for when my Civic was being repaired after an accident and my god was it awful. It handled like a massive boat despite being a medium sized car and the transmission felt significantly less responsive than even the CVT in the honda. The seats also sucked but i think that was how the rental company cleaned them, they made this awful noise every time you sat in them and looked and felt like a “casting couch” with several generations of children dried up in them…

    Honorary Mention: my friends Nissan Versa, seemingly unreliable and falling apart but it refuses to ever give up. That thing will survive nuclear winter, and will remind you with every pothole that its existence is torture.

  • I see several people naturally mentioning the Minecraft OST, there are two resource packs I highly recommend if you want a more nostalgic experience.

    • “Balanced Music” is a great pack on Modrinth that removed the biome specific criteria and re-balances everything so you do not keep hearing the same caves & cliffs song every 10 minutes.
    • “C4Music” is another pack on Modrinth that removes the newer tracks (post Nether update if memory serves me right) and only has original music + some of the unreleased tracks.

    To answer the question myself though, other than Minecraft of course I would have to say Terraria, OpenTTD, Ocarina of Time, RimWorld and Celeste among many other titles.

  • I feel that downvotes / dislikes don’t contribute in large forum-style communities. The “proper” use of them is very useful, but the “improper” usage of downvotes becomes rampant on larger communities, rather than people expressing “this doesn’t contribute” with downvotes they end up using them to express “I don’t like you and/or your opinion” which results in high-quality posts and comments getting downvoted into oblivion because they do not conform to what the majority deems correct.

    This also can be exasperated in communities that are more taste-based, e.g. a community discussing music rather than a community dealing with more objective knowledge.

    I guess this is a really long way of saying that I agree with them disabling them but I do not think “mental health” is the concern, more so that they cannot fulfill their intended purpose in larger communities or taste-based communities.