Nice. Software developer, gamer, occasionally 3d printing, coffee lover.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • I really like the way my current company handles things. Aside from annual raises that take effect July 1st (currently waiting for approval, but if that happens after July 1st the raises are retroactive to the first), we have open bars (free drinks) every other month, company wide lunch events a few times a month, other general events (had a Juneteenth and Pride event this month). Oh, and all these events are paid time (you still have to hit your KPIs though).

    A fairly well stocked kitchen (you could make your own lunch if you wanted to), coffee and espresso machines, sparkling water / flavored water one as well, snacks, the whole deal. Yes it’s not perfect but I’ve been happy so far.

  • I figured, but wanted to clarify in case others saw it that way 😅.

    I assume the thing a degree usually covers that a self taught lacks is accepted best practices, teamwork, and alot of principles that are better learned before diving into it. So a lot of bad habits to unlearn.

    IMO, in today’s information world a degree isn’t necessary for learning, only as proof of learning (which is still very relevant). But a formal education also puts the tools you need to practice in front of you. Software development is an easy field to learn and prove your skills in. Chip design you’d definitely be better off getting a formal education, though you still see people making microcontrollers in games like Minecraft without formal education.

  • The Dockerfile is essentially the instructions for deploying from scratch. Sure, they most likely only exist for one distro but adapting isn’t a huge chore.

    You can also clone the repo and build the container yourself. If you want to update say, log4j, and then attempt to build it, that’s still entirely possible and easier than from scratch considering the build environment is consistent.

    1. ~18.

    2. See answer below.

    3. No.

    4. No.

    5. Yes.

    6. Yes.

    I started vaping around when I was 18, back when disposable coils were first starting to be a thing and the paradigm was mainly making your own coils, testing resistance, and then pulling your own cotton. Very much a manual process, and not a known thing just yet. Smoke shops were just starting to carry juice.

    I started after I got in trouble at work for eating sunflower seeds. Back then I had a pretty bad tick where I had to do something with my mouth quite often. My coworker mentioned it and I saw it as an alternative, I also liked the idea of replacing caffeine with nicotine as a stimulant.

    Easy to guess, but my symptoms and tick were ADHD related. It worked for a short while, but soon I was using both caffeine and nicotine, though by the time I quit vaping for the first time I had completely gotten over the tick.

    Since I started I’ve been through a few cycles of quitting and resuming. I’ve never quit because I saw it as an addiction, and mainly have quit for financial or health reasons, if any at all. And by health I’m referring to purely the impact stimulants had on my blood pressure, nothing to do with vaping itself.

    Being ADHD my addictions have always been as transient as my hobbies, and I’ve quit both nicotine and caffeine multiple times and only the last few times grew conscious of the withdrawal symptoms.

    I do recognize it as a legitimate addiction, as the time I quit intentionally (asthmatic friend was visiting) I did notice the desire to resume, although that may also be related to finally finding working ADHD treatment.

    If you plan properly you can use 0nic liquid and mix it with nic liquid to slowly wean yourself off nicotine, and have personally coached two people through this process, one of which was a lifetime smoker.

    Aside from health concerns from nicotine itself, the only health issue I’ve had from vaping was suffocating myself by vaping too much lol.

    I do think vaping in public should be treated the same as smoking, and that access be behind an age restriction. But I don’t see it as anything more than a mildly unhealthy vice. My addiction to sugar and sweet stuff has been much more harmful to me and is completely unchecked here in the US.

  • Long ago at my first job I worked as IT in a warehouse. This story involves two employees, Retired and Pretender.

    Retired is a retired U.S. marine, working in shipping, he also had permission from the owner to open carry in the office and warehouse.

    Pretender was in sales and is kind of a tool who had to do all the cool things everyone else was. Three of us had motorcycles and would go on day rides. Pretender found out and less than a week later he had a motorcycle and wanted to join us (without a license). He sucked, and there are a few other examples but aren’t the topic of this story.

    Pretender overheard me and a coworker talking about the guns we had. Needing to fit in, he said he’d bring his to work tomorrow and wouldn’t answer when we said he didn’t have to and just to tell us the model. Sure enough, next day he wants to show us this obviously new gun that he obviously had no training or common sense for

    We played along and then went about our day. Later on, we hear Retired and Pretender in a pretty heated argument as they walk past our cubicles. Then apparently Pretender walked to his car with Retired in tow, and reached into his car and grabbed his gun.

    Retired (peacefully) put a stop to it, the owner came out to figure out wtf was going on, fired Pretender on the spot and let him retrieve his belongings before seeing him off. He also called in the non emergency line and had an officer come over to put a police report on file. Unsurprisingly, the officer used an older mugshot to confirm it he had the right character.

    What were they arguing about you might wonder? Pretender was telling Retired how to package an order for shipping, Retired worked in shipping for years and was having none of it. A few months later the owner got a call from the state saying Pretender filed for unemployment and to confirm the reason he was laid off, with he had listed as “downsizing”. We had a laugh over that.

    TL:DR: moron coworker drew a gun on a retired marine why open carried and fortunately didn’t die, but he did get fired.