i loved Atlantis otherwise and wish we got that last season but i really hated this arc. it seemed wildly out of character for everyone that no one was really bothered by the ethics of this, aside from Ronin whose concerns were more pragmatic than moral. whenever Michael showed up after this i kinda shrugged- yeah, i’d be pissed off too! i guess they were trying to go for a DS9-style desperate times call for desperate measures thing but for me it just didn’t work
it’s worth bearing in mind that comparing audacity and reaper is like comparing notepad++ to libreoffice- in many cases libreoffice is a much more robust program but in others all the extra bells and whistles are bloat. you wouldn’t want to program in libreoffice!
that said audacity has some wildly bizzare design, and any forks are either even worse with this or incredibly unstable, so audacity being terrible isn’t wrong sadly