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Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • Isn’t that the definition of a race condition, though? In this case, the builds are racing and your success is tied to the builds happening to happen at the right times.

    Or do you mean “builds 1 and 2 kick off at the same time, but build 1 fails unless build 2 is done. If you run it twice, build 2 does “no change” and you’re fine”?

    Then that’s legit.

  • Exactly this. If your disruption can be LASER FOCUSED at your target, I think there’s an argument for it. I’m not on board with PETA-level animal activism, but I can understand and respect why they’d throw a gallon of red paint on someone’s fur coat. And if BLM protestors throw white paint all over police cars to protest how the law enforcement is “white-washed”, I would get it too.

    But I’m pro-BLM. I used to donate to BLM-related causes. I got that money from my minority-owned job, and the black VP who had an interesting history of anti-racism gave a little rant about “those idiots chaining themselves to cement on the highway” when a BLM protest involved blocking off 93N…

  • I’m sorry, but I think in many cases a road block does “just make you look bad”. There was growing support for BLM in Massachusetts and it got popped like a ballon when those dumb kids blocked 93N.

    Nobody was talking about how the cops dealing with the situation were one of the most racist police organizations outside of the Deep South. They were busy talking about how those dumb kids could be killed and the traffic they caused affected ambulences and some patient almost died.

    off supply lines to financial districts or big corporations and put economic pressure on them

    Again, using BLM as an example… Don’t you want to have those corporations SUPPORTING the BLM movement? I mean, unless your protest is laser-focused on anti-capitalism, hurting businesses for no good reason just alienates the 99% of the population that isn’t Tankie.

    That same topic about “educating people how to protest” is “pick ONE thing you want to change, or your protest doesn’t have a meaningful message”. If you’re protesting for the environment or protesting for women’s or gay or trans or minority rights, you shouldn’t be protesting against businesses. You should be recruiting them. I wanna walk into the office (after no traffic jam) and see someone having anonymously put up “Gay rights are human rights” posters everywhere. I want my place of employment to offer to match donations for these causes. Etc.

  • Yeah, I’m with you on #3. A few random white people cementing themselves to 93N in Boston did ZERO to support BLM. Nobody was educated. People who were otherwise neutral on the topic got mad at BLM.

    I think a little bit of “unnecessary” disruption is a good thing in protests so a group isn’t easily ignored, but if your ONLY outcome is to make enemies and alienate allies, you did something wrong. Nobody even remembered that the 93N thing was for BLM unless they were already invested in BLM.

    Malcolm X had one small thing wrong. It wasn’t that “Silence is Violence” wasn’t true, of course it’s everyone’s responsibility to fight injustice even if we’re not minorities ourselves… It’s that he said the quiet part loud. When you push people to take sides, often they take the *other side *because of your actions, when they wouldn’t have dreamed of doing so otherwise.

  • For most skills, there low level human equivalents in the real world who will never “choke under pressure” once when doing the thing thousands of times throughout their life. When we’re talking about one of the heroes of a tale that are also “the best of the best”, I think it’s ok from a literature, fantasy, or gameplay standpoint for them to have a 100% success rate despite the fact that a failure risk would be possible in the real world. This is doubly true (DM point of view) when failure would be uninteresting or mess with suspension of disbelief. If an ace pilot is trying to fly through a bad storm to land where the firefight is going to happen, he bloody well makes it. I’m ok with “success with complications” on a 1, but the complications should be fun as well. You land ok, but the wind that hit at the last minute caused some damage to a wing. You might need to find another way out" or even "unfortunately, you weren’t able to fly evasively enough because of the buffetting winds, so they know you’re here.

    Nobody wants Skyrim syndrome, where a master thief gets caught pickpocketing someone (we Bethesda players do something called save-scumming to keep the immersion). I used to go to a pickpocket show at the local renfair and the performer never got caught. And he was not a “master thief”.

  • Which, as said elsewhere, is still a 1-in-400 chance. A commercial pilot lands a plane thousands of times in his life. 1d20 with a 1d20 confirm would mean no pilot ever survived to retirement.

    And one could argue a commercial pilot has a fairly average skill level, the equivalent of a level 0 character with a ~4 points of proficiency (D&D3 mindset, I know I’m old). Someone who is 5 or 6 times that should have no meaningful risk of crashing a plane (and the plane should have no meaningful risk of dangerously malfunctioning 0.25% of the time)

  • I think it’s a matter of expertise. I am stuck dealing with people who write Javascript/Typescript like it’s C# because they’re C# senior devs. It’s not world-ending until issues of speed, scale, or other “why we use best practices” raise their ugly heads. Then it is world-ending. I can only help with so many design standards when you still see everything show up in a classes-and-subclasses mindset with hard-to-catch concurrency bugs. I actually caught a developer trying to spin up a child process to wait on a socket response.

    So in FinTech, I can imagine it becomes a bigger deal faster.

  • It’s a “tool for the job” game. I don’t trust a junior developer to write a login system. I’ve found security flaws in login systems written by senior developers who “know what they’re doing TM”. Unless I’m the expert in a given domain, it’s better to trust something written by those experts.

    For the record (since it’s fixed anyway), I discovered a common login timing vulnerability on one of our production systems that had been in place for nearly 15 years. Luckily we didn’t have enough traffic for anyone to notice it before me.

  • I can’t believe I answered “board games” to this before. Yes, espresso wins it over. I just got an espresso machine for my 10th anniversary (price too high for me to be willing to admit). And here I have a wishlist of $500+ in “devices” for it.

    Like you, I’m about 3 weeks in and just now getting my burr grind just right for that perfect 26s shot. Luckily my vendor was giving out a free badass scale. It keeps telling me how bad my shot is.

    I still for the life of me can’t get the hang of latte art though.

    Ditto. I just got my first “correct emulsified foam” today. Usually I end up with hot milk with hot whipped milk on top.