yeah, it’s such a shame that people think X is the right place to share important updates.
It fucking absolutely is NOT!
Yesterday I went to look up Trakts X profile to see whether there are issues with their API. X shows posts from 2020-2023, but nothing from 2024 even though there was a tweet from 2 days ago.
X is dead and should officially be declared as such.
See, this is kind of impossible because of security reasons.
Imagine logging in on gmail, going to facebook (without any further action in between) and being able to read your emails. That would be convenient but catastrophic!
Yes, I know, FB and gmail are two different things, but the concept of auth is the same. A website saves a cookie in your browser and uses it to check whether you’re authenticated or not. And that website can AND SHOULD only be able to read its own cookies.