aka Enshittification
I love this wild west phase of the Fediverse! Feels like the good ole days of the Internet. Onwards!
aka Enshittification
But was $application.old_final the one to rollback to, or $application.old-final2?!
Sure, grandpa/grandma, time for your medicine.
Not to mention the benefits of versioning and being able to rollback! There’s something so satisfying about a well set-up CI/CD pipeline.
Also on Reddit being a poweruser meant that you could probably sell/loan your account to shady advertisers, which isn’t as much of a problem here since the Fediverse isn’t monetized by ads.
Additionally, I think power users are a problem if they’re just blindly spamming posts without engaging with the community, not so much if they’re just organically filling the void with posts.
I <3 lemmy’s prolific posters. o7
Thank heavens for your unhealthy posting habits, we need to clone you Stamets
Also, Google is a (the?) major source of funding for Mozilla, so they have a lot of clout with them.
Ah, that’s fair. I’m a pretty casual player and didn’t really go deep beyond the medium skill levels, so I didn’t really appreciate the cut-corners beyond that. I hardly even played much multiplayer TBH, I played and loved the single-player campaigns, which is what I tend to do on most games :D
Oh wow, that sounds awful. What does that look like? I hate the feeling of regret I get after I do things impulsively.
I saw that announcement video when it first came out and was super hyped for The Division. I didn’t end up playing it until around 2019 and I was really impressed with how close to the trailer the actual gameplay was. I know it had some controversy, but I guess I’m easy to impress lol
Surprised nobody’s said The Division yet. The first one is incredible fun IMO, and the second one is good, but not as much fun.
Wait, if it’s double-blind, wouldn’t the scientists be unaware of whether he got a placebo or the real drug? Although I suppose this could be after the study has concluded. I would bet that in real studies they record the side effects reported before checking to see if it was the placebo or not!
Clicking on a post in the post feed makes it show up overlayed on top of the feed similar to alexandrite’s system instead of sending you to a new page. (hitting the name of the post when in this preview state will send you to the actual page)
This is by far my favorite Alexandrite feature, and the main reason I use it over the alternatives. Thanks for including it!
I seem to be missing a bottle of vodka
Maybe your 10 year old has it?
Agreed. I think it dilutes user engagement, because people will leave comments on these bot threads, never to be seen by anybody else.
I went ahead and blocked it and spend time on HN along with Lemmy instead. HN discussions on those posts are always so much livelier than those sad, but interesting copycat posts.
Oh shit, I remember watching Gumbo Slice backyard street fights back in the day. Didn’t realize this was meant to be him!
I know about Mastodon instances run by the government, but are there any lemmy instances run by governments?
Oh, that makes it even more hilarious!
You monster