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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 1st, 2023


  • You’d probably format it as a percentage of GDP per capita, as it’s about limiting wealth disparity (and thus protecting social mobility), distributing wealth growth nationally, and limiting the concentration of financial interest as it’s a threat to national and democratic security.

    You’d probably want it accompanies by various studies that show that that large wealth disparities are detrimental to social mobility (aka the ability to “work your way up” in classes), and probably some political science papers on the ills of concentrations of wealth.

    You’d probably want it to come into force along with laws that limit campaign contributions and big money donors in politics… get rid of that whole “political donations are protected as political speech” crap… and you’d probably want it as a wealth tax that pays into a sovereign wealth fund with rules on what it can be used for.

  • Almost every billionaire in the world would immediately target any country that tried this for absolute and total destruction.

    Sanctions on day one, exposure of phoney corruption scandal on day two, false flag invasion of another country on day three, deposed leader on day four, and splitting up of territorial sovereignty on day five.

    Okay, perhaps not that quickly, but you get my drift. I mean, people like Peter Thiel have used people like Jordan Peterson, along with his own connections to white supremacists, and million dollar contributions to Donald Trump to ruin America in the span of a decade… And that’s just one billionaire applying some loose change because he’s a weird self-hating gay racist monarchist. Imagine what a bunch of billionaires really trying to destroy a country could do.

  • Capitalism hasn’t existed forever, it literally started in the late 1700s during a period called The Industrial revolution, when factory machining started the first cottage industries that pushed out previous modes of hand crafting.

    At that point, when machines and cottages to hold them started to be required for mass production and hence competition in the market (pushing out hand crafting as a competitor) CAPITAL became a requirement of mass wealth accumulation… because one needed large sums of Capital to buy the machinery, rent the building, and hire and train the workers to exploit. So it became the limited province of the already well off to do.

    That’s when Capitalism was born, and why it’s named CAPITAL-ism. Because it has Capital requirements if you want to join the Capitalist class. It was created in the British Industrial Revolution.

    That you’re unaware of this change in the mode of production and what it represents, and believe that "oh Capital has just existed forever" is what some Marxists refer to as being in a state of “false consciousness”.

    The system wasn’t always this way, and doesn’t have to necessarily be this way (eg. Marx offered the model of workers owning the machinery or “means of production” as his alternative, and there are likely others). Capitalism is a product of a technological “change of epoch” of the “mode of production.”

    …and it’s defined the age we live in, and how we think. Which is what the later Frankfurt School neo-marxists discuss.

    P.S. It’s also worth noting that the British Industrial Revolution, The French Revolution, and the American Revolution all overlap in time periods. Live was very different before the late 1700s.