It makes sense to if they want their encrypted email magic to be useful. A paid user can instruct a contact to make a free proton mail account in order to have secure communication with them
All things are possible through Christ!
It makes sense to if they want their encrypted email magic to be useful. A paid user can instruct a contact to make a free proton mail account in order to have secure communication with them
I think it’s because it’s work. Its hard to have any positive feelings toward a tool used primarily to talk to annoying coworkers and bosses. It doesn’t matter how good it bad it is.
Not one, but two references to e621 in this thread. And neither are from users on the furry instances. Much to think about.
The arch linux wiki, where you will be instructed to install various dependencies from the AUR
Right, and for me personally that’s fine. I respect that others have different requirements or desires in that regard.
You might already know this, but you can use a Kagi without logging in on private tabs using a “session link” that looks like https://kagi.com/search?token=[LONG TOKEN HERE]. (Of course, this session link is not perfectly anonymous because the token is presumably tied to your account.)
I’m posting this comment with it right now. Many graphics on the lemmy ui are not rendering, but it’s way better than the last time I tried it about a year ago. So not “ready,” but encouraging.
No, they aren’t.
Keep a journal. Every day just jot down how you’re feeling and what’s on your mind, what you plan to do/did. Its amazing how helpful this has been for me.
Don’t drink alcohol. It’s not good for you in any amount.
They both orbit a common center of mass called a barycenter. I assume that’s what the 26% said.
You probably could, but you’d have the taste of citric acid (which is not awful) and baking soda in the water. The Spärkel has the water that activates the reaction in a separate chamber so they don’t wind up in your drink. You need to change that water every four or five times you use it.
I use a “Spärkel” carbonator. Instead of CO2 canisters, it uses packets of citric acid and baking soda to generate CO2 and uses a compressor to infuse the liquid.
I definitely wouldn’t stop working, but I would have more flexibility to try things like taking a risk on something entrepreneurial or choosing to work in a field that aligns with my values, salary be damned. That cannot be allowed.
Any measure that reduces the leverage employers have over labor will not be simply given to us. People fought and died to get what little control we have, and it’s been whittled away for decades.
I take downvotes as an admission of guilt to my observations, thanks.
That’s not a very reliable way to determine that. Might as well admit something like “I take the shape of the tea leaves to mean that I am correct.”
Agreed. It’s touch optimized, not mouse and keyboard. That’s not a criticism!
I love Voyager on mobile but feel constrained by it on desktop. (It reminds me of using Gnome, which is not my personal preference.)
On a related note, is anyone working on a CEO assassination simulator?
I worry this is just rationalizing ones passivity as just an inherent part of ones assumed “goodness.”