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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I like the “lying-by-omission” approach, that is used widely in practice. I tell only the truth, but carefully select which truths to tell.

    Concrete example: When there is a war going on, where I strongly favor on side, I will either not talk about it at all (e.g. what the EU did with the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict). Or I will select stories that fit my narrative. I.e. a dead soldier on our side is a tragedy, which will be followed up by personal stories about his live, his family, etc. But a dead soldier on their side will be portrait as a great victory, and which will be followed up by documentary on our superior training and weapons-technologie.

  • what are you asking exactly?

    Are you asking the general question (“how does a government tell the truth when people don’t want to hear it?”) or are you asking the specific question (e.g. how to respond to “Secret Government Plan #127 - How to Murder Everyone I don’t Like and Continue Molesting Animals”)?

    the former seems like it would be a intresting discussion, since governments are already doing that. The latter seems to very US-centric.