• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I was Reading a post earlier tonight where someone shared an anti Covid view point and dropped the whole big Pharma/government groupthink garbage.

    Every comment was telling them they would not be accepted here with those views.

    I checked a few hours later and the conspiracists comment was gone, but it did have the largest number of downvotes I’ve come across yet at 150ish.

    An echo chamber we need not be, but conspiracy garbage we need not at all.

    I just miss when conspiracies were fun and not essentially a threat to one’s livelihood.

  • I was never big on Twitter myself… I made an account when it first came out and never used it… and then for a high school unit for something we were required to make accounts (I graduated 10+ years ago… so that in and of itself is scary). I’ve never liked twitter. It always seemed to be screaming into the void.

    Mastodon I really appreciate the real conversations with real people, especially when they are interested in what I have to say. I made a post about getting rid of lawns and had people from all angles of the argument discussing with me about it. It felt… healthy?!

    Well, as healthy as internettin’ is.

  • I make one post a month on Facebook. Usually within the first couple days. This month’s was about how since the supreme court wanted to rule dumb last week, I was going to play along and disallow certain people from shopping at my etsy shop. Got me a handful of orders, too… which is nice.

    Reddit I just use still to check in on if any weird news happened… but that’s about it.