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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 14th, 2024


    1. This is foosball. This is foosball.

    2. The sport with the egg is “gridiron football”, we call it “football” for short for the same reason other countries call association football “football” for short, it’s the most popular variant here.

    3. We don’t call it “American football” because that’s not what it’s called, you lot say that because of point 2. Nobody is going to say “European football” because that’s not what it’s called either.

    4. The word “soccer” was imported from the UK (seriously that word is british as hell, you really think we came up with that shit?), and we use it for reasons outlined in points 2 and 3, and also because “european football” is inaccurate, tiresome, and stupid sounding.

    5. This is the first and only time I’ve ever heard of rugby union football being referred to as “ruggers”, I never thought I’d read a dumber-sounding word than soccer but you’re just full of surprises today. For some reason i was imagining one of the replies was the same person, this was in error.

  • 1ostA5tro6yne@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoStar Wars Memes@lemmy.worldNot Sparks.
    6 months ago

    I’m just gonna leave aside your nonsense understanding of physics, and the way realistic physics are both good and bad for the movie accoring to what you want to nitpick next, and focus on that last bit.

    When has star wars ever NOT been style over substance? When has any of it ever made good sense, or been consistent? It’s a cheesy franchise about space wizards that has been 100% Rule of Cool top to bottom since the very first installment. I think you just want to hate the movie because you were told to hate the movie.

  • 1ostA5tro6yne@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoStar Wars Memes@lemmy.worldNot Sparks.
    6 months ago

    Personally I don’t think it’s any worse than anything else in Star Wars.

    Like the “blockade” formation in TPM - that would never even kind of work to shut down traffic, planets are BIG and incoming ships could simply go around the blockade ships.

    Or Jango Fett’s bass bombs in episode 2 shattering asteroids with shock waves - how are they propagating with no medium to propagate through?

    Or the trench run in ANH, and luke’s torpedo turning 90 degrees on a dime to go down the vent - why were they approaching from that angle in the first place? How does the torpedo just, suddenly change direction?

    Or primitive teddy-bear aliens using rocks and sticks to absolutely ROFLstomp a galaxy-spanning empire armed with high-tech sci-fi superweapons in RotJ - imagine if the US failed to invaded Sentinel Island. Is that even distantly believable or realistic?

    Or the way ships apparently have gravity at all times no matter what - in fact explaining it away with “artificial gravity generators” would lend itself to bombs dropped into that artificial gravity well making some kind of sense as a tactic, no?

    Or lightsabers being lasers that just… stop. and are semisolid, somehow… lightsabers don’t make a single lick of sense but they look wizard af.

    Or like a billion other things in Star Wars that are nonsensical but visually fantastic, because you’re not meant to think that hard about it, and most people who do seem to do so selectively based on whether they want to like the movie.

  • 1ostA5tro6yne@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoStar Wars Memes@lemmy.worldNot Sparks.
    6 months ago

    exposure to vacuum doesn’t cause people to explosively decompress, that’s a hollywood myth and it was refreshing to see it subverted. the human body simply isn’t that pressurized, it’s feasible to survive that long in vacuum provided you get immediate care.

    also, 1) the ship is massive and she’s tiny, it would look the same if she was pulling the ship towards her, 2) physics doesn’t care about the distinction because it depends on frame of reference, and 3) exerting a force on an object exerts an opposite force on you, per Newton’s first law.

    you should really broaden your horizons, it was a spectacular scene and I’m sorry you aren’t literate enough to appreciate it.

  • 1ostA5tro6yne@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoStar Wars Memes@lemmy.worldNot Sparks.
    6 months ago

    It’s long-established established canon that Leia is force-sensitive (Luke outright says as much in TLJ), and that force-pulling can be done without training (though I’m sure she picked some things up from Luke over the years). If Leia using the force caught you off-guard I’m sorry but like that was like my first expectation when I heard Leia would be in the sequels.

    Also it’s so strange to me that people say it looked like Mary Poppins to them. have you never watched video of people in microgravity? it was honestly a pretty realistic depiction of how things behave in vacuum and zero-g, and I found the scene breathtaking.

  • FUCKING THANK YOU, there was nothing wrong with or continuity-breaking about the Holdo Maneuver, or most of the things in TLJ people love to bitch about (like Leia’s spacewalk which was pretty consistent with IRL zero-g physics and the character’s established force-sensitivity as well as being a breathtaking cinematic moment) are either conflicts with their personal headcanon (people really be getting mad about the fine points of high-dimensional travel in a cheesy movie franchise about mystical space wizards and writing essays about it and shit) or are not any worse than similar issues the OT itself (ESB has some serious issues with wonky timelines for example). The pacing isn’t great in places but nothing is so jarring as to interfere with my willing suspension of disbelief, and the story didn’t feel beat-for-beat the same as basically the rest of the franchise. TLJ was a breath of fresh air, it’s weird to me how divisive it is despite being one of the higher points in the franchise IMO.

    That said, AotC at least had the neat space-opera-noir thing for part of it where Obi-Wan was playing detective, I can’t think of anything redeeming about Rise of Skywalker.

  • I’m a bit younger than you but I grew up with the '95 box set and saw the PT in theaters, similar experience, and I agree with your assessment of TFA, it’s not great but has its moments. Personally I really liked TLJ despite its flaws and it made me hope the series was finally about to go somewhere new. But yeah don’t bother with RoS, it’s a disjointed mess of a film made of IRL petty grudges played out on screen strung together with lame maguffin storytelling and “plot twists” from left field.