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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Here’s the thing.

    I’ve been watching TV occasionally - she watches junk TV on this huge thing she got, and, nahhh. I usually do streaming - and every now and then an advert that comes on is actually for a product I’ve never heard of. It’ll be something dumb like little Caesar’s crazy French toast or some shit, but, to the ad’s credit, I would never have known about it if I didn’t see the ad.

    But, 95% of ads are absolute junk. Payday loans, reverse mortgages, Dodge Rams; junk. I’d love to see the new products and Superbowl ads, and then nothing else.

  • This isn’t complete bunk. The new indicator of wealth is healthy teeth. Poor kids don’t get to go to he dentist regularly, so have more problems later on; rich kids get regular cleanings to prevent buildup, and have much healthier teeth.

    The trick was making us equate white-white teeth with healthy teeth, even though there’s a shade of ‘white’ that is just healthy, clean enamel with no plaque buildup but isn’t true white.

    I only retained this when I heard it as I was a poor kid and, wow, am I glad I have a good job as our dental care is still mercenary as fuck.

  • 3055 was good.

    1012 and ilk were also good, from the same era. I still have one of those running.

    My LJ4+ lasted 21 years, the first part in an office setting and the latter a retirement in my home (and about 12 house moves). For its 19th I got its RAM filled. Woo! But we decided “as a household” that we didn’t need a reliable energy pig printer for a few pages a month. It made the lights flicker and the UPSes report a brownout. But it was a good printer.

    Now we have an m404n and it’s everything today it needs to be.

  • My wife got the air pods pro 2 I think. Can’t tell one from the other. She preferred the Samsungs so she got those and gave these to me because I liked them

    And I do. It’s the only piece of apple tech I have.

    For me they for REALLY well. And I want people to be happy like me so I’m thinking all of the usual things you’ve been asked or recommended before. Because I want you to like yours like I like mine.

    You know: try different tips, go watch a YouTube to confirm it’s fitted right, etc. All ye things you’ve done or thought of doing, try it again with an open mind. And then sell them off, but yeah.

    I hope, since this is probably a ways ago, that your current earbuds are working well. Phones seem to be incapable of a headphone jack, despite my startac-7800 fitting one in, so it’s got to be fucking radio earbuds all the way, so you gotta find some that fit and make you happy.

  • I built and maintained Open-source software.

    I worked for SCO during the time when the rabid halfwits were weaponized by IBM to vilify everything SCO did or didn’t do via Pamela-the-ex-IBM-employee’s ‘totally impartial’ website. SCO was, and remains, the best job and work environment ever.

    My software was surely used by nefarious types. But by that time, I was done with it: I code it, I build it, I distribute it, and then it belongs to the world. You can’t have it any other way, really.

    And, one day, find out what really happened with SCO/IBM.

  • I fear too many universities are businesses designed to fund seminars; and students graduating are whether an afterthought or an actual negative for them.

    It was related to me that, because they want to keep their customers, one can solve any problem at uni - grades, minor victimless crimes, etc - simply by offering to take more courses. The only problem money can’t solve is the one where the student has no more money, and it’s over quickly after that (saw that one happen).

  • 75% of American drinking water needs treatment to reduce particulate and parasites, and the treatment additive used to render the water safe is produced at a single chemical plant located in an area of severe flood risk – which means that a flood could take it offline for a day or two, or damage it for weeks.

    (Efforts to build a second site recently fell through due to ever-changing regulations. Of course they’re stockpiling it in some mountain bunker, I’m sure)

    The next Katrina could give us a brain-worms infestation via tap-water.