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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 10th, 2023


  • While i do think life exists elsewhere in the universe, I think the chances of extraterrestrial biological entities coming to our planet is exceedingly unlikely. Space is just too big, and there isn’t any hard evidence that faster-than-light travel is even possible.

    Although, the universe isn’t just big – it’s old. There could be some ancient civilization from an ancient planet that became uninhabitable long ago. If they were technologically advanced enough to escape their solar system before things went tits-up AND were able to live multiple generations fully in space AND they just so happened to set out in our direction, I guess it’s possible that they found us. Even then, i would expect any UFOs or whatever would merely be probes, not the actual biological entities themselves.

  • I watched (some) of a History of Mathmatics documentary, and what struck me was how many of the theorems ancient people came up with were just common sense. But they wrote it down: that’s what made it noteable.

    There were some theorems/axioms that i had trouble getting my brain to accept, but generally it came down to me not “getting” their number/tally system or simply having no context for why they needed that math in the first place (ie: it wasn’t common sense to me). For example. I’m not an ancient accountant who needs to be able to calculate grain taxes and – at the same time – be able to assure a farmer (who can’t read my number system) that i’m taking the correct amount of his food, so their method of long division using different colored stones seemed needlessly convoluted to me.

  • I think it’s because English isn’t super consistent with the spelling of vowel sounds. Consider also “choose” (rhymes with “lose”) and “chose” (which doesn’t rhyme with either).

    I guess really the vowel sound in loose/lose is basically the same; the difference is whether or not the “s” makes a “s” sound or a “z” sound… It is admittely odd that the presence or absence of an extra “o” would affect the sound of an adjacent constant (especially when we have a perfectly good “z” character available).

    Which reminds me of my pet peeve: when people use “breath” or “cloth” instead of “breathe” or “clothe”.