Software developer by day, insomniac by night.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • This is an interesting read. English isn’t my native language, and while I’m quite proficient, I lack a lot of cultural context, particularly when it comes to American English. My partner is American, and through/with them I’ve learned a lot of problematic phrases and expressions. It’s baffling just how much language is used to dehumanise, other, and discriminate against people.

    That’s not to say it doesn’t happen in my native tongue, it definitely does, but I guess it’s more baffling when it’s something that’s unfamiliar to you.

    Marijuana obviously sounds like it’s rooted in Spanish, but I never thought much about it. If you’d asked me, I’d just wager a guess that it’s the Spanish term for it. I hate how oftentimes when I start poking at these preconceived notions, an uglier reality reveals itself. It’s never as benign as I initially believe.

  • I regret clicking this thread. So I’ll add to it.

    Years ago the apartment complex I was living in was getting renovated. We got these little caravans put up out in the back which we could use as kitchens and bathrooms as ours were getting renovated. The bathroom ones had pump issues, and one day, as I was preparing to get into the shower in this freezing cold caravan (because what better time to do this than in the middle of the winter?), the pump crapped out and the sewage ended up backflowing, regurgitated out of the shower drain.

    I did not shower that day.

  • IKEA. It’s stainless steel with non-stick. It’s the only non-stick thing I have, and I’m desperate to be rid of it.

    Having a non-stick wok is incredibly frustrating because it doesn’t handle high temperatures, and a lot of recipes I’d like to do require high temperatures. Like good luck trying to make chili oil in this thing, I have to use a regular stainless steel pot for that - which works fine. I like making Cantonese style scrambled eggs which isn’t really possible in a pot and it doesn’t come out right in the wok since you can’t heat it enough, meaning the egg doesn’t set fast enough.

  • Weirdly, a dough scraper. It’s not because of the measurement conversions, I don’t think I’d ever noticed them up until now actually. It’s just a really solid dough scraper. I use it for dough, but I’ve also used it for so many other things, like assembling/disassembling furniture, patching holes in the wall, wrapping furniture in a vinyl sheet. Loads of various tasks.

    Every so often you find that you need a solid, flat, steel thing, and this comes in handy every single time.

    picture of a normal dough scraper