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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 11th, 2023


  • I think you’ve got some things twisted here, you certainly can eat more than you burn.

    For example my maintenance calorie level is around 1400 a day. I work a sedentary job and do moderate exercise 5 times a week. The low amount of calories I need to maintain my weight was surprising - I always went by the RDA of 2-2.5k - no surprise I was slowly gaining weight over the years.

    I can easily blow past 1400 without even thinking about it. I drink about 500 cals of milk a day alone. No carbs in that yet I’m already 1/3 of my limit and I’ve not even had that 1000cal tub of ice cream.

    Protein is harder to overeat because it’s lower calorie per gram and its harder to digest so we feel fuller for longer.

    If cutting out carbs works for you then crack on! It’s all about just finding the diet that works for you because trying to do something too painful will unlikely result in meaningful lifelong changes.

  • All diets offer the same thing: less calories in than you burn.

    There’s no secret sauce here…it’s just about finding ways you can change your lifestyle to reduce calories in.

    Exercise is good for you for many reasons, but you can’t outrun the spoon. The effort required to burn 1000 calories is significantly higher than the effort required to not eat the 1000 calories.

    The thing that worked for me was tracking my calories every day. Didn’t aim to change what I ate…but when I saw the realities of the calories rich food I was eating I made simple choices to switch it out for low calories. Fibre and Protein are your friend in this fight.

  • When you say they’re born with the “wrong sex” do you mean they have chromosomes commonly associated with one gender, but have the genitalia of another?

    I’m sensitive to hurting people’s feelings on this issue so just stear clear of ever asking questions or stating opinion on it - plus I’m hardly qualified for the latter. Sadly the side effect of this is that I am completely ignorant. Even more sad: I’d rather be ignorant than a pariah. Too many people getting ostracised for being ignorant.

  • My comment wasn’t meant to suggest someone was making that argument - I was just setting the premise for my question.

    I dont know why my genuine curiosity has triggered so many people…I was hoping for some rational suggestions that I could incorporate into my lifestyle.

    As for going back to what it was like 70 years ago…I find it unlikely. There are a lot more people on the planet than there were back then and prosperity is broadly increasing…in reality we’ll transition to more sustainable and healthy living which I think entails better urban planning and greater government action on pollution.

  • What would you use in place of cars?

    Obviously just outlawing cars tomorrow would cause mass deaths around the world as society isn’t equipped to deal with it, so what could we transition to?

    My assumption is that you’d suggest public transport for all? But that wouldn’t save us, as only about 1/4 of transport emissions come from cars, it’d just make us die a little slower.

    Edit: if the next 5 people to downvote this could leave a reply it’d be appreciated. I try my best to do my bit for the environment but I depend on my car to participate in my local community given, and so I’d like to know what the ideal solution is? What should I be asking my representative to be voting for?

  • I don’t know you, your life or your struggles and I’m not qualified to offer any kind of professional help or input, so please- spend the energy you’re spending on Lemmy on seeking help from someone who loves you, a suicide prevention charity or a professional who can help with these thoughts. Worst case scenario - nothing changes and you’ve lost nothing. Best case; things change and you have a happy life.

    What little I do know of you: you have access to the Internet, you know at least a little bit of technology, and you speak English. These things alone mean you probably live a better life than billions of other people. Perhaps all you need is a little bit of perspective.