Yet another Reddit refugee from the great 3rd party app purge of 2023. This account is mostly for learning how Lemmy works and may be purged once I get around to hosting my own instance.

Obligatory fuck /u/Spez.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • He doesn’t have a chance in the popular vote. He already lost it once (twice, technically). And with how polarizing he’s become, only the more extreme fringe actors are outright supporting him, and those with real money want a “safe” candidate that allows them to keep grifting behind the scenes without causing such a big ruckus. He’ll lose a lot of big donor support, and people are growing tired of the constant outrage news that he generates.
    We’ve seen how he performs a symphony of a clusterfuck in a 4 year term, and not even the GOP itself is jumping right at the idea of embracing another 4 years of that struggle- they’re waffling at the idea, and a lot of the extremist upstarts that got a foothold under Trump now want to knock him out of it so they can have their own moment of glory. But Trump was a one-time shot. He was THE face of “The Big Businessman, doing a Business” that appealed to the older, more bootstrapy kind of crowd that still unfortunately dominates the actively voting public. All the younger extremists are trying to parrot him and can’t quite get away with the same level of “crazy” energy without looking actually crazy, since they don’t have the gold-plated toilet of “American Success” to back them up.

    But regardless of that, will every hard-right extremist fight tooth and nail to ensure he still wins, including but not limited to high treason, rushed gerrrymandering, voter intimidation (or outright slaughter) and the active dismantling of every aspect of democracy down to the local voter box level? You bet your ass they’re gonna try here.

  • I wouldn’t call what reddit is doing “thriving”. The experience of what used to make Reddit, Reddit (the deep focused communities) is already quite decayed and has been decaying for some time.

    Curate your Lemmy communities better and make an effort to interact as much as possible. Lemmy always feels super dead if you don’t actively look for new communities and instances to subscribe to, because the Fediverse is inherently in a changing state of flux of where the activity is. Lemmy does not auto populate your feed with a bunch of algorithm crap, you have to MAKE it show you what you want. I’ve built up a nice list of 40+ subbed communities and see lots of content.

  • Yeah, it’s hard to find mechanical ones that can increment by ten, and I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen one that can increment down as well as up.

    If you do all scores by ten you can cheat and draw an extra zero to the right of the dial number lol. But if it’s scores like 1, 2, 5, 10… its tricky.