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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Assassin’s Creed Origins in a marathon to end Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla in preparation for Mirage (I have been spoiled about a major modern day spoiler that makes me hype again for the modern day story in the franchise and by extension I’m once again hype for the franchise after years without playing the games because of modern day story deception)

  • the US will not be the problem, Hungary will be (not Turkey on that one, they are building military facilities on Ukraine Soil meaning the tide between Ukraine and Turkey is strong enough for Turkey to accept Ukraine NATO accession). But US can pressure Hungary (just like what is happening with Sweden accession). pressuring US is pressuring the whole NATO because a lot of NATO countries relies on US military technology and intel (and the countries that don’t rely on US: France and UK have already voted for a fast Ukraine NATO accession in their respective parliament)

  • I love both games but I have a big problem with how TotK handle the power. for the base power BotW gives more freedom to choose how to do something and whether or not use your power. TotK on the other hand scream “USE YOUR POWER” everywhere. For the support power, the fact that the IA can litterally flee with your power when you need it is infuriating. So in some way I prefer BotW for being more immersive sim than TotK, while I prefer TotK for its story, music and map.