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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023

  • ANOTHER series I just remembered and highly recommend is the Unincorporated Man series. I think there are 4-5 books in the series. Pretty good IMHO. Similar to The Expanse, it’s the Inners vs the Belters, and explores personal liberty and person hood from the perspective of owning “shares” of yourself like a company.

    The conflict is awesome, and two military strategy geniuses duke it out in a Legends of the Galactic Heroes sort of way–one has all the resources and latest tech, the other is scrappy and has to deal with extreme resources shortages. Awesome story.

  • You say this pocket dimension connects to the internet, a la Matrix? I’d create a game with an in-game currency that looks the same as ours, and give it the same physical properties in-game as the real currency is for the region I’m in. I then would define that I am a billionaire with a bank account to match. I teleport in, withdraw my money in cash one suitcase at a time from the ATM that has an infinite cash supply, and then teleport out.

  • I wrote a lot of star wars fanfic back 20 years ago because I was terrible at writing and couldn’t afford college classes for a few semesters. I needed the practice, and the best way at the time for me to exercise that skill was forcing myself into creative writing. Those chapters and the idea of how the story would end were never finished.

    In 2020, I started a DnD campaign based off those chapters, and we are still playing the same campaign. When we began, I thought I had maybe two, or maximum three years of content. Now at three years later, we are optimistically at bout 1/3 of the way through the story playing at roughly every other week.

    If I had one wish, it would be to have three hours to sell the idea to Jon Favreau, because he would make it the next Star Wars saga. I’ve taken elements from KOTOR1, The Witcher, The Expanse, and most of the new star wars shows to create a story where my players are battling for what they believe is right, when there are no right answers.

    I’ve been lying to my players for about three years. They believe they are bringing peace and prosperity to a shattered Republic by fighting on the side of the rebels about 1000 BBY. What they do not know is that they’ve been manipulated and windwashed by a sith lord into decapitating the Jedi order and acting as the admirals and generals of the rebel fleet and army.

    I have been planning this for ages. All the names of recurring characters are anagrams for things like “Revan was right”, “peace is a lie”, and “sith lord doom”, and in one part of the story, a player is actually playing his same character without knowing it, and his “new” character’s name is an anagram of his original character’s name.

    There will come a point where he will find out he was manipulated by the story, and the other players will find out I did not tell them the whole truth of their own situation. It is going to be glorious. The party will find out they are all essentially Sith apprentices with no easy way out. And then we will get to the actual subject of the story–what it means to be a Jedi. What do you do, when everything you believed in and believed was right turns out to be a lie?

    When faced with losing everything, like Obiwan Kenobi, how do you continue serving the light when it has robbed everything from you?