Not for no reason, drama gets attention. Also most tech reviewers are shameless shills
Not for no reason, drama gets attention. Also most tech reviewers are shameless shills
So does aging and we’re getting old as fuck!
I think it has to be seen through the eyes of soneone’s first VR experience. Which already is where most of the innovation takes place. As far as the game itself, I think it’s more streamlined, polished and narratively coherent version of HL2. I think as a whole it does a good job of blowing away most first time players.
Because they hang out in the “sort by new” looking for novelty but get upset when non-novel discussions happen. They get tired of seeing them so they kill and lock them. Especially discussion that lean against their values.
Necroposting should be eradicated from the vocabulary. I search for people who use that word and bully them mercilessly. The idea that you can’t continue a conversation from 1992 by people who are all dead is ludicrous. The gatekeepers of our information ecosystem are incompetent troglodytes by and large unfit to manage their own underwear, let alone the great archive of the public square.
I agree with all your opinions except I would give more credit to HLA as a first timer’s VR experience.
Yes, many forum troglodites have this heinous reaction. Many of them are incompetent forum moderators. They are upset because they have notification of all changes happenning on the forum but this isn’t novel and interesting to them personnally so they attack it with words like “necroposting”. Those mostly recycled bbs people with almost no life left in them or OCD people who must compulsively complete and categorize everything and are upset when something is added to something they believed completed. Eventually we will rid our information ecosystem of these, at best, overzealous users or at least marginalize them so they stop causing damage, cutting connections, creating deadends and stopping progress generally. It’s like I always say, progress occurs one funeral at a time.
Ah yes, I also play factorio/satisfactory/dwarf fortress/rim world. I could easily do 1000 years with each of those, but a million might be streatching it
Unzip failure on all of humanity
It’s ok I do house repair for handjobs
Can’t die. It’s gonna suck in 800 trillion years. Imagine if you can’t sleep either because you don’t need to recuperate.
It’s only illegal if you don’t abolish the state
Hey like the chinese did to their political prisoners who wanted freedom!
Leather also emits microplastic, it’s just not a monomer we call “plastic” but its going in your balls too!
You have to be equal opportunity about it. If you start saying this kind but not that kind then it’s just racism ingrouo outgroup bullshit.
Why human love infant genital mutilation so much?
It will like when we switched to https, except now we will switch to TOR and make it fast through network effect.
You are grieving for something that never really existed. If it exists and we are bold enough, then it exists in the future but you’ll have to trade your grief for hope, and an aluminium baseball bat.
Because American democracy, is not real and this is a scientifically proven fact. https://act.represent.us/sign/problempoll-fba/
“The preferences of the average American appear to have only a miniscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.” Gilens & Page, Perspectives in Politics
They even made a video about it https://youtu.be/5tu32CCA_Ig
And I found this, but I can’t read it.
Why Estimates of the Impact of Public Opinion on Public Policy Are Too High: Empirical and Theoretical Implications -Paul Burstein
Do you think all of this is amplified by state actors like Russia and the Saudis?
Or simply avoiding public spaces entitely.