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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Removing his ability to play stocks at all is removing his ability to earn money. His investors will leave him and the interest on his loans will liquidate him. We’ve seen more than a few of his type flash up and fade away. Milken. Pickens. Belfort. And of course, Madoff. Just to name a few we know by a single name.

    He would still be wealthier than 99.99% of people but then so are a lot of folks on the planet. That’s 80 million people left over in that .01%. That’s not all that powerful at all. It’s removing him from the .00001% thats the goal. And killing his stock market abilities would do that over-night. It’s why he bought Twitter, he had to because this was the alternative.

  • Thing is the next guy can’t actually invigorate them because it’s DeSantis. Or Ted Cruz, whom I suspect will actually end up with the nomination. DeSantis is a shitbag but he’s entirely lacking in the crowd pleasing department. MAGA diehards are all that’s left and they hate him already. Then there’s Cruz, who will be a direct opposite to that brand - trying to sell himself as a moderate. Real hard to get people excited about that, and they’ve spent a decade or more undercutting that exact platform. Plus he’s Ted Cruz. Dude is a total loser to every side.

    The brand of ego maniac that creates a Trump isn’t common enough for Republicans to just spin up a new one. We’ve watched them try time and again the last 8 years and it’s laughable how badly it goes for them. I disdain Trump but I can recognize that aspect clearly. The guy was massively and mainstream popular for decades prior to his presidency across multiple, huge platforms. He was already a household name, no one had to ask who he was. That’s what it took.

    Republicans know it too, it’s why they’ve still been backing him and not going on the direct offensive - yet.

  • I feel like the hurdles are kind of features. If your elderly parents can’t figure out then they can’t well flood it with trash. Reddit was the same way at first, oh so long ago. People weren’t used to the format and users without any tech savvy were dissuaded from entry. That turned into a libertarian foundation. This time around the generations that are tech savvy aren’t libertarians, they’re progressives. So we’re seeing a progressive foundation in the federation become established, and that’s going to narrate the future culture here, just like libertarians narrated the culture of reddit for so long.

  • That’s the sub they’re referring to but it isn’t true. Spez is a shit but that’s deliberate misinformation.

    Reddit history time - back then you could make someone a mod of a subreddit and it would accept that “request” automatically. So you could make Barack Obama a moderator of your sub and it would list him. This was a very popular and silly thing done all over without any malicious intent.

    Well the guy who ran jailbait, violentacrez, did this to spez with the jailbait sub. He then shared that spez was a mod there and many users “confirmed” it, until the mounting pressure got brought to his attention and he removed himself. Shortly after you had to accept moderator positions when they were offered, it was no longer automatic, and I’m pretty sure around the same time is when the sub finally got banned.

    The folks in dankmemes are old edgelords who probably frequented jailbait, they’re bringing up an old joke they pulled on spez since he’s in the hot seat. Don’t repeat their tripe, instead point out how Huffman once implied he expects he will be able to buy slaves in the near future and looks forward to such a day with anxious anticipation.
