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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I will happily defend you on this point. Down vote away people. As long as you don’t shove past the rows in front of you or bonk me with luggage, we good. I try to remember the passengers who had to store luggage father back and see if I can get it passed forward. I will totally boss people to sit back down if someone needs to get to the front ASAP due to close connections. If it is going to be a while, I will try to grab my backpack and sit back down.

    Now, people with oversized rollerboards? Yeah. I get pretty irritated over that and the vast number of issues that causes with boarding and deplaning. The airlines make it worse with price hikes. I personally check all of my luggage and rarely run into issues. If I have any major concerns I will throw a couple things into a bag that will fit under my seat or FedEx it if we are really going there.

  • As someone who has had a multitude of health problems, I am so glad that you are getting help. I have EoE, which really sucks, but I can’t imagine not eating at all. I had a condition finally diagnosed a couple months ago after years of being told nothing was wrong with me, which is better than being told it is probably in my head. I have chronic pain too, but it is “manageable”. Short version is I lost the genetic lottery, but I keep trucking along.

    Also, lamotrigine gang stand up!

    Definitely try Soylent (powder) as you can thin it out as much as you need to. I haven’t had the premade versions in forever, so I don’t remember. Worth a shot.

    As far as traveling goes, try to find a coffee shop or something to chill at for a few hours, though the smell may be too much now that I think of it. That really blows that the Internet is awful there and I have had to resort to tethering in the past. I have Google Fi, so tethering is dead simple and just works, but yada yada Google is evil. Once upon a time you could only make WiFi hotspots on your phone if the actual WiFi is turned off, but I don’t know shit about iPhones.

    Sorry about the nerve study, but make sure you ice afterwards. The pain doesn’t always set in right away. Had a rather agonizing drive home once…Make sure to speak up if it hurts a lot, or just feels…wrong. Ask for breaks if you need it. Nerve pain is something else.

  • I think most other comments cover the important bits, so I will try not to repeat them. I have been using a M1 MacBook Air since they came out and I love it. The battery life is great, the desktop environment is very clean and unobtrusive, and I don’t have to fight with it very often. I use brew to install my FOSS stuff. I certainly don’t pay for anything extra. Only major complaint is the way they do the windowing. Don’t know the right word for it. Maximize, minimize, “alt-tab”, and snapping to half/quarter/etc like Windows isn’t great in comparison and pretty lacking. Thankfully there are 3rd party applications such as Rectangle and AltTab that make it better. I haven’t used Stage Manager as it doesn’t fit my workflow.

    The only other OSs I use at home are Debian and Arch. Those cover any additional gaming I might want to do, but they are primarily servers. I use GeForce Now for everything else.

    I tried a W11 on a VM and I cannot describe the amount of hatred I have for it. I feel like I am fighting with the OS at every turn. I don’t really have a problem with W10 from a generic user experience, other than that advertising BS they keep trying to sneak in.

  • When you opt-out with Experian, your information is not deleted from the Experian marketing database. Experian will mark your record as “Do Not Online Target” for a period of five years. You can renew your opt-out request after this five-year period. If Experian removed your information completely, we would have no way to know your preference.

    What the fuck kind of bullshit is that? No way to know my preference? How about never! Thank you for letting me know that I have to write another email today and try not to lose my shit. Maybe I will setup an automated message to go out every year or something to “remind” them.

  • I disabled that shit the moment I found out a few years ago. As far as I know it is only potentially an issue if a landlord or something wants to see it and isn’t tied to your credit score. I don’t give a shit right now anyways as my credit is good enough. If I need to give someone access to it, and it makes sense, sure, but I would rather hand over a copy of my W2 or paystubs personally.

    It is entirely messed up that it exists and most people don’t even know about it. Dystopian nightmare indeed.