I miss doing this. I pretty much stopped inviting people over once some housemates reacted really badly to it
I miss doing this. I pretty much stopped inviting people over once some housemates reacted really badly to it
Humans like talking about themselves and relating their experiences to those they’re talking to.
I got a graphics card that somehow bricked hard drives. We went through a lot of hard drives before finding out this was the case. I don’t remember specifics
Someone once paid me to poke them with a stick every time I caught them not doing their assignments. Offloading executive functioning onto someone else can work
“Completely different” when the two things are actually very similar
I’m old enough to remember reading about netiquette.
I assume you allow everyone into your home, no questions asked? Maybe you do, but frankly most people at least vet their guests through a combination of social connections and history, and rarely is a place “entirely open” or “entirely closed”. Being excluded from a place because the gatekeepers of that place prefer the company of someone else who doesn’t like you is perfectly normal and ultimately they have to make a choice between you being at an event or their closer friend.
This isn’t to say I agree with every banning or exclusion, but it’s perfectly normal behaviour.
You are just a 5e hater.
Yes (though mostly a 3.5 hater, though hate is probably way too strong a word, more like a “I wish 80% of RPG players played something else”) (I haven’t played 5e, played a bunch of 4e)
I saw a numbat at the zoo. Very rare, almost extinct, pretty skittish so even if you do go to their exhibit they’re often hiding from everyone
What, uh… what answers were you expecting in here, OP?
I remember my dad slapping me in the face for pronouncing “water” like an American. A bunch of odds and ends like that.
“Don’t delete this, might need it later - JP”
This thread feels like someone half remembering playing technomancers in shadowrun.
Joke Answer: Star Trek Theme
Everyone dies since everyone is guilty of at least one crime. Fortunately there are no prison guards or cops, since they’re all awaiting trial in jail too.
I feel like I’ve taken the slippery slope in the other direction.
For odd outcomes, every birth results in a death down the line, so banning mums or something.
In the 40k Infantrymans Uplifting Primer, the penalty for attempted suicide was death by firing squad.
This is as good as it gets. Everyone struggling to rent, find jobs, finding out that a substantial portion of people around you hate you.
Bees, but only because I’m allergic.
I also feel like D&D is kinda hard to learn and has decades of terminology and baggage that contribute to that. Ah well
me slowly putting away my logarithmic power curve and orbital mechanics RPG that no one will ever play
It probably is :( I feel like I’ve burned myself a lot trying to get back to doing things before things are healed
Stand of the tide seems maximum or minimum.
Idk the answer to your question, but it seems like there should be one. Equitide or something.
Always fun when you get a string of good carpentry or gardening tips