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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Being mentally unstable isn’t a character flaw. We should be encouraging everyone to get help. A good therapist knows what a delusion looks like, what the criteria are, and how to develop a relationship with the client to gently challenge them.

    I did a little deep dive on them recently when I realized I was talking to a narcissist with grandiose delusions claiming experts in sociology and such “made up” the gender/sex distinction and, whaddya know, he thinks narcissism is a made-up disorder, too. He’s been around our discord server for months and I finally popped off and posted the criteria along with how his multitude of claims fit. He understandable got pissed, but at least everyone else is aware what the criteria is now and how to walk through it themselves. (And to be clear, I only weaponized the term against him because he referred to people using neutral pronouns - such as myself, as he is well aware - delusional).

    If you hold a belief with absolute conviction that has been falsified, shown counter evidence, and it impacts your functioning in society, then you may have a delusional belief. It’s not uncommon or a big deal once you can recognize it and work out the logic.

    We really just need to be teaching psych in high schools, honestly. Destigmatize it. Ik I’m stigmatizing narcissism a bit here, so lemme add that being a narcissist doesn’t mean a person will act as abusively (if at all) as the individual I’ve been dealing with is, nor does abuse imply a mental disorder. It gets nuanced but I think it’s fascinating

  • If you want to call it a theory then I suggest working to have it peer reviewed. Otherwise, just call it a hypothesis. I see issues with it, personally, but I’m just one person and am not an expert. I’m finishing my undergrad in psych, but the rest of my comment is based purely on recreational study following experts in personality disorders and extensive therapy myself.

    Main thing I’d note is that most people will show some level of narcissistic traits, but meeting the full criteria to label anyone anti authoritarian as narcissistic goes against the point you make in the first few paragraphs that we shouldn’t be so quick to throw the term around. Feeling entitled to better pay on it’s own can be justified, especially if it’s in tandem with wanting fellow workers to receive that same benefit. Quite empathetic, actually. Turning off empathy in specific settings also suggests it’s not a pervasive trait, which is an important piece of the DSM that was not mentioned.

    I definitely see the argument that some anarchists will meet the criteria. And I agree with a good, maybe even majority of the points, like reducing stigma. Plus, it’s expensive to get through an offical peer review process, and you’re right that many folks with NPD could never afford that. But I think it would help to at least include some expert opinions and case study examples to support what seems to be mostly anecdotal testimony. Or if you have been diagnosed yourself, build on that as a primary case study example (cuz you do call yourself one, but it’s not clear if you went through an assessment for it).

    Super interesting idea, though - I’m gonna save it to reread and mull it over some more. Props on getting it published, for sure!

    Ninja edit: Holy shit this turned into a much longer comment than I intended, sorry!

  • kofe@lemmy.worldtoShowerthoughts@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    7 months ago

    I’m taking a psychology of aging course that gets into the extreme cultural ageism against older adults, and man, I really can’t begin to explain how much it’s humbled me. We’re reading a book called “Happiness is a Choice You Make” by John Leland that I want to recommend to everyone now.

    I do wonder if there’s a generational difference in how we’ve been exposed and take in information - along with younger adults and kids being more negatively impacted by the isolation of COVID - but otherwise, yeah, I was going to comment something similar. Throw in the AIDS crisis, satanic panic, and any number of other issues

    The one thing I want to maybe disagree on is how much “better” things are today. In some ways, absolutely. In others, like stagnated wages, it’s not. I’m not too interested in doing a deep dive on it today but I’ll keep it in mind for a potential summer project

  • I want to stress for anyone finding themselves in this pattern, healing is possible and there are often free or low cost services, especially with telehealth now more widely available and experts weighing in on social media

    I am an abuse victim, but I’ve had therapy on and off and have been in school for psych the last few years, throwing myself into understanding through as many outlets as possible. I may have fallen for this shit ten years ago. Now look at me slappin this shit down 😤

    And communities like this are so important, too! Building support groups so you aren’t isolated and being gaslit into further trauma.

  • Ok this turned into a novel, so buckle up I guess lol. Yeah, there was a lot said over the month that I pushed back on. There’s nuance to it though, right? It’s not like the manosphere content is built entirely on lies. Like, one of the first things that stuck out to me is him saying that when men lean into their masculinity then women can embrace their femininity. That can be true for some couples, but it’s obviously not universal and is more often fluid.

    He talked about his sister a few times, a psych major that I didn’t know identifies as non-binary until he showed me their Facebook page by chance and I saw their pronouns listed. But he didn’t care. He said they were “radicalized” after they went to college.

    Another one: “choices have consequences” when discussing abortion, even though he did agree it should be available, it’s just “morally gray” for him. His ex had one and he said he thought she secretly wanted him to push her to keep it. They broke up shortly after.

    Anyway, most of the rest of it was just sprinkled in, and culminated in the conversation yesterday. It actually started the night before, I got upset and wanted to shut down the conversation cuz it was all really building up, but we repaired, went to hang out with our friend, and it wasn’t until later it hit me he’d said that thing about men traditionally being the head of the household because they’re more capable “if you look at the results.” I dwelled on it forever after he fell asleep, journaled about it on my phone and had my responses ready the next morning.