I’m afraid most, if not all, of the projects listed use pride versioning, also.
Programmer by day, burnt out by night.
I’m afraid most, if not all, of the projects listed use pride versioning, also.
I mean, it could just do very basic checking…
Not to play the devil’s advocate, but with compiled languages you can just install the language, “run” your script and it’ll work, if not the language will catch undeclared variables for you, and more. With interpreted languages you need to not only install the language but also third party tools for these fairly Barovia things.
AYY you didn’t have to do him like that though!
Me as a kid thought that.
SO and I feel the same way about each other’s body and clothes odour after not too many days.
2-3 days is the sweet spot, 1 and 4 are OK, more then 5 days is yucky again.
I like custom types and them being able to follow custom interfaces; it makes for great type safety that almost no other language can guarantee!
What I’m saying is I’m learning Rust.
Don’t really think that works but ok.
That might be a fair point, I don’t know about vampire anatomy.
Ok but the back issues after laying down that long would be insane.
It looks like the world is chok full of airports, I didn’t realise there’d be so many!
Or just in general, indigenous people left by themselves.
That’s just Google, it serves you the answer it thinks you want based off your fingerprint, browsing history etc.
No, that’s perl.
Is that… C? With the braces and semicolons placed away, on the right?
I don’t think I like that, sir.
VPN doesn’t necessarily block telemetry, and some providers, like NordVPN, have tons of telemetry in their clients alone. Even if they come with “blocking telemetry” in their VPN, I guess they want to be the only one hoarding your data.
Use tracker blockers/firewalls, TrackerControl is a good open source app on Android for this, a PiHole can block a lot of tracking traffic as well.
Humour is indeed this.
Is indeed this humour.
This is how I type when someone is watching and I don’t know why!