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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I kinda agree. Sure there’s observable/measurable phenomena out there, but past a certain point it’s like a toddler asking why? You just have to say "because that’s the way it is:

    Why did that apple hit me in the head? Because of gravity

    Why does gravity make things fall? Objects of larger mass attract objects of smaller mass

    Why do they do that? Well the more massive something is the more it warps space around it

    Why do massive objects warp space around them? Well there’s some theories that certain sub-atomic particles interact in a way that causes these forces

    Why do those particles do that? Well that’s just what they do

    (yes, I know these are overly simplified)

    Eventually you reach our furthest level of understanding and we just have to say “that’s just what we have observed happening, we don’t have a root cause or explanation yet.” That bottom level is basically magic in our universe until we learn more about it

  • As a non Star Wars fan who just re-watched Phantom Menance, what the fuck are you talking about Georgie? I like the original trilogy well enough, but to say Star Wars has cohesive ideas and themes is ludicrous. You jumped the shark when the 7th word on screen was “taxation” in Episode 1. Not to mention when a 7 year old Anakin Skywalker raced a hover jet to buy his freedom from a thinly veiled Jewish epitaph

    Everyone who comes to Star Wars does their own thing with it and most of it is goofy as shit. Hell, even the original Yoda was an actual Muppet. Star Wars at best was a metaphor against the Vietnam War, but even that was pretty loose. I think George has an over-inflated sense of ego about what Star Wars actually is

  • I’m fully in the Nick Weiger podcast universe so I listen to:

    • Doughboys
    • Doughboys Double
    • Get Played
    • Get Played Season Pass

    Which are all comedy podcasts with similar people appearing. They’re about chain restaurants, random side bullshit, Video Games, and Anime respectively. Then I also listen to:

    • Quick Question with Soren and Daniel
    • The Film Reroll

    Which is a podcast by 2 former cracked writers which is the only reason people listen to them and a podcast about playing through movies as role playing games

  • I mean we’re already discussing porn, so I’ll just point out most of the “gonewild” posters are just advertising their onlyfans. Do you think every single article posted here is done so with pure intention? Several of the popular apps for lemmy have banner ads. I hate ads more than the average person (in real life not on lemmy) and even I acknowledge that you’ll never escape them. Even when you totally ban them, they still will be present

    I think we all know there’s going to be a few bigger instances that people use for lemmy and those ones will eventually resort to ads to keep the lights on. Historically, that doesn’t cause users to run away screaming and lemmy instances not federated with the most popular instances will face a tough uphill battle retaining users

  • So I’ve read the short story it’s based on several times (The Story of your Life by Ted Chiang) and it’s more explicit about how it works. It’s only possible to comprehend Heptapod writing if you can think like they can. Likewise learning their language also helps you think like them, which is also pretty true about real languages

    Heptapods do not have a linear observation of time. They observe their entire life simultaneously. However that doesn’t mean that they don’t believe in free will or choice. They come to Earth because they know at some point in the future the humans will be important. Amy Adams’ character in learning Heptapod also learns to view time non-linearly. It’s not permanent and tends to come and go the more immersed she is in the language. That’s how she knows the secret phone number to call the Chinese general, that’s how she knows what will happen to her daughter, and her marriage. However since she knows it like a Heptapod does, she has no desire to change it. Like how Abbott doesn’t try to stop his own death

  • You’ve never held a perfectly smooth sphere. The earth is a much smoother surface than a billiard ball. There’s no edge conceptually, in the same way that vacuum is not missing air, it’s nothing. It warps spacetime in a way that you can’t discern an edge. Likewise there is no “inside” a wormhole. It’s a hole in three dimensional space that leads to another point in three dimensional space. There’s no “inside” because that implies a point that exists outside our universe which based off our current understanding of physics, is impossible

    We literally don’t have the language to describe these phenomenons because humans are three dimensional creatures. We can’t imagine these concepts because it involves a reality we can’t perceive. It’s like asking someone to imagine a color they’ve never seen. We can’t do it

  • I’m not a physicist, just an internet nerd. So take none of this as true or factual

    My understanding is that wormholes are the logical outcome of certain branches of theoretical physics. They share similarities to black holes in that they have so much mass crammed into a single point that the space-time just kinda breaks. However black holes emit a large amount of energy in the form of angular momentum from their spin and Hawking radiation. We would expect wormholes to likewise require large amounts of energy. Again, we can’t know the specifics but that amount of energy is likely so huge that no human could make it. I’m talking about more energy than a million times all the food you will eat in your entire life. So unless these people are powered by secret fusion reactors instead of hamburgers, they’re breaking physics. If you can do that then any other superpower is ancillary

    It’s also incorrect to think of a wormhole as a portal from portal that you can adjust in size. It’s technically a three dimensional hole in a four dimensional plane. If you can’t picture that don’t worry, it’s basically impossible for humans. There’s no “edge” really to grab and expand. What “edge” of a perfectly smooth sphere can you hold onto to pull it larger? Fundamentally that’s a flawed question