int main() {
int x = 10;
if (1) {
goto useless;
int main() {
int x = 10;
if (1) {
goto useless;
With plans to impose much higher tariffs on the __future__.
And yes, due to a technicality, nothing really fits the criteria for one of them.
The one thing about NT was that it didn’t have it’s own semantics, but it could emulate any system you wanted. It’s the unofficial successor of an OS that was based on creating VMs where you could run any other OS you want.
Then Microsoft decided to create their own system in it, and only really finished writing that one.
It’s the way.
Mid-range communications is very cool, and several people are passionate about mm-wave infrastructure.
But they are usually not passionate about random companies either.
It certainly beats Teams, Slack, or Discord. For a start, you have control over the messages and can actually search on them.
Age of Empires is older than Reddit.
has essentially no use unless you remember some completely arbitrary rules
If you make sure the types match, like by explicitly converting things on the same line on that example, then you can use it just like if it was ===
In fact, there are people that defend that if your code behaves differently when you switch those two operators, your code is wrong. (Personally, I defend that JS it a pile of dogshit, and you should avoid going to dig there.)
Yes. Yes, it is.
Good thing I can’t sign my rights away that easily in my country.
I think I can even compare it with Postgres and tell people Postgres is faster! Well, not in every single case, but Oracle is beaten by almost every DB in almost every case.
Yeah, fixed something like this yesterday.
Turns out the Oracle database can’t count lines. But that’ not really news.
Last time my printer did that, there was an alignment problem between the extruder and the end of the hot-end. It later also started to clog the hotend, when the alignment got worse.
The other time I had a similar problem, I’ve unknowingly lost my slicer settings and had the filament size misconfigured.
There’s a reason why most people stay on mindless consumerism…
Yoda burning down that library was one of the best things to happen in all of Star Wars canon… Too bad it had the rest of The Last Jedi around it.
C has undefined behavior for that.
IMO, I can’t see how making progress on car maintainability would be easier than on car dependency.
One depends on local politics, the other on national (or maybe even national to a foreign nation) politics or somehow convincing a global oligopolist to lose a bit of money to help your cause.
But if you want to work on it, good luck and all the power to you. Don’t stop just because another problem exists.
Community mechanic shops and education need to be more common.
Nah, what you need is fewer cars and to not depend on them to stay alive.
At some point you’ll need to know the basic syntax of some programing language.