• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • So if I understand correctly, the reason it’s outdated is not because we don’t need those pesky banking regulations any more, but that it has been found that banks will just take out their own loans to cover the reserves they need from the central bank, so they can just lend as much as they want, no seatbelts. And the central bank will never run out of loans to give, since they have insane reserves, in their own currency it is technically unlimited.

    So money is not really the thing we think it is. If banks overextend themselves and fuck up, the only thing we’ll see instead of failing banks is runaway inflation in the consumer and asset (housing) markets. Wonder where I’ve seen that.

  • I think ARPG is just broader than that. Bethesda games are also described as action RPGs, yet they are neither really about builds or gitting good, it’s more of an exploration / virtual theme park thing.

    I think the definition of an ARPG is “an RPG where the player’s skill in controlling the character in an action-game like fashion has a major role in gameplay, as opposed to games where the character stats or strategy is solely decisive”, like in Divinity or most older RPGs.

    It’s like when people describe both Doom and Six Days in Fallujah as an FPS, yet they are nothing alike.

  • I’m not talking about philosophically, I’m talking about China paying off my country’s politicians to build massive infrastructure projects benefiting only China, from money lent from China, by companies from China. Or the same deal happening with overpriced rail cars bought from Russia, that are not performing even comparably better than the French ones we could have bought for much, much cheaper.

    My country mostly faces no US pressure except when it’s blocking NATO or EU proceedings, to the chagrin of all the other member states. Even then, the government could do what it wanted, no matter how stupid. Worst thing they did was pay less of the free money that they were paying to help us grow in the first place.