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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I’ll always repeat this to everyone as my go to.

    For starters don’t count yourself out. If it says college degree or cert required and you don’t have it, apply anyways. I ignore them every time and 99% of the time I get an interview.

    For resumes/CVs make sure to copy and paste some of the language they use in the job description or post. Try to blend it into things you have done or the hobbies you do.

    Don’t forget to also use references that are actually pertinent to the job. Your previous boss is a good one, but so are people who work in that field that can vouch for you. Don’t be afraid to actually ask people you know and name drop where you can.

    Interviewing is a skill. Take notes, take time to answer questions, drink some water. Acknowledge interviewers and their questions and always try to stay on track of their question. Sometimes I have stories for my answers and at the end I like to bring it back by repeating the question and then explaining how that story answered it.

    Lastly be reliable and helpful at your job. People don’t care if you don’t answer work calls or texts after hours, but they do care if you take initiative to help and ask occasionally if there’s something you can do to help. Don’t over work yourself, and remember to shit on company time, but do try to make an impact on key people so you can keep crawling up this shitty capitalist ladder.

    Also, checkout Etsy for some good Google doc templates. I paid like 99 cents for a great resume and CV template that looks way better than I could have done in a few hours. I keep my resume, reference letters, any important job docs, and a spreadsheet of references in a Google drive folder (OneDrive, Dropbox, other cloud services work too obviously).

  • I mean, I guess you could be ok with it if you’re a pedo. Shit like this caused massive controversy for Reddit in the beginning, and it only leads to others with worse outlooks feeling safe here. I don’t know if you were around on Reddit during the r/thedonald period but that sub bred nothing but hate that quickly found a home to radicalize on the platform. Same went with Jailbait. It spawned spacedicks and other horrendous subs.

    Also, as an instance dedicated to LGBT+ what if another instance was dedicated to hatred towards LGBT+? Should Blahaj continue to federate with them? What if I open a community dedicated to “communicating about how to kill a certain group?” It’s not illegal. Freedom of speech is important after all, but maybe at some point people stop just talking about something and start acting.

    While the slippery slope argument can be applied to anything at the end of the day it’s really down to something super simple. This is one instance choosing to defederate from another. That’s their choice.

  • Sorry, I should have been more specific in my comment. Lemmynsfw has tons of communities dedicated to women with small boobs and small/petite women. This is great, they have gorgeous bodies and they should be appreciated too! However, Lemmynsfw has a community called “fauxbait” which is… obviously not ok. I was on Reddit well before 2010, but anyone on there from that era remembers the controversy that the “jailbait” subreddit caused. In fact, to say it was a controversy is understating it… anyways, fauxbait on lemmtnsfw specifically in its sidebar says “a community dedicated to women who look underage but aren’t.” Which to me is a MASSIVE red flag. This consists of lots of porn stars and models that are petite, small, “cute” and generally flat. Again, these women should have places to post their bodies and to feel beautiful and wanted for them, however places that sexualize them for appearing underage while skirting that “legality” are not things that should be allowed. Specifically because it brings unwanted negative attention to Lemmy, provides governments and companies reasons to disallow access to Lemmy, and over all provides less desirable people with a place they feel is accepting of their views.

    So, the implication is “they’re almost jailbait while legally not being such.” Which is definitely a thing. They can, I guess, have an instance where that’s allowed since it isn’t “technically” illegal but is highly immoral and questionably unethical. However, in this case all I’m saying is that I can see why Blahaj defederated from it.

  • I’m thinking that they may have either made a mistake in picking another community, or that they saw what they thought was content from that community and called it out immediately. Let’s not forget that if anything Lemmy is less immune to the moderator god complex than Reddit. Since most “mods” of Lemmy/fediverse instances are also paying a physical price they feel even more attacked. Rather than just announcing simply “Blahaj has defederated from Lemmynsfw” they made a whole post about it and then talked at length about culture war stuff. A simple “Blahaj states their reason for defederating is due to our hosting of potentially illegal content. We want to remind our subscribers and user that lemmynsfw does NOT support illegal content, will NOT host it and will remove anything that violates the law.” They chose to take it as an insult. It’s just business.

  • That was part of what I felt they’re doing, but to me the community on lemmynsfw also bothered me and I blocked it. There’s definitely something wrong and nefarious about a community who resides in legal territory but relies on an implication. It’s the same as a community of Nazis existing but using dog whistle wording to avoid anyone noticing. I’m not going to say it’s illegal, but I’m also not in support of it and I understand Blahaj doing what they did.

  • Hey look, a perfect example!

    Some may have even been mostly good people who supported the worst possible politics.

    If your “support” of the worst possible politics is “only one race is the true master race and the rest don’t deserve to live along side us” then no amount of helping others, doing community service and being “mostly good” makes you a mostly good person. It’s makes you a shit person with a horrendous and incompatible viewpoint of the world. That deserves a downvote. It deserves it because the comment adds something to the conversation, but not the way that it is something we all should support.

  • People always said the same thing on Reddit too, but there’s a lot of stuff that “adds to a conversation” that needs to be downvoted. Just because something “adds to a conversation” doesn’t mean that the people shouldn’t express that it’s an awful comment or viewpoint by downvoting.

    For instance, on a history article about Nazis someone could say “well some were bad, but not all were. Plus the good they did around the world was actually a lot better than people give them credit for like introducing a universal basic income or providing their citizens with jobs and healthcare for all.”

    Like… it’s a viewpoint… but by not downvoting that viewpoint you’re basically allowing someone to say Nazis aren’t bad. Which to me is why the downvote button is there in the first place. Good, well thought out comments that add to a conversation should be upvoted, but awful comments should be downvoted too. People just need to be more well intentioned about when they’re downvoting a viewpoint they disagree with.