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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Honestly, I thought the same! I primarily use DDG, but when that doesn’t cut it, I go use my Kagi free trial of 100 searches. It’s lasted me months at this point, which is a testament to DDG and Kagi tbh. DDG for getting me there 99% of the time, and Kagi for delivering on the rest, with the bonus of being customizable and privacy focused. When the trial runs out, I will likely purchase the lowest tier so I can mix it in more bc the result quality is truly higher and it actually LISTENS to my quotes and + & - terms. You may not do as many searches as you think, and for throwaway searches, DDG is probs good enough.

    Im a dev & my entire job is googling shit basically, so it’s worth it for me to get quality results without dealing with the bullshit AI SEO wasteland

  • Then you should know about methadone and other harm reduction measures intended to help wean people from their addiction or make them safer while they are still under its grip. This is the same idea.

    I appreciate the sentiment, but this is less beer versus liquor and more a lethal dose of rat poison vs corn syrup. Both bad, but one a fair but more damaging than the other. (simplifying a lot & not the greatest metaphor, but you get it)

    Good luck with sobriety! o7

  • naught@sh.itjust.workstoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlHow is nicotine legal?
    5 months ago

    Combustion creates lots of nasty chemicals. Sure vaping has nasty chemicals sometimes too, but if it is properly regulated and studied, it appears to be a great method of harm reduction. Granted, we should take steps to ensure children aren’t tantalized by them as best we can, but let’s not shit on harm reduction.

  • I take it you have never taken nicotine in any capacity then. This is not “nic sick” but that “first hit of the day.” Happened to me and everyone I knew when i smoked cigs, and when I kicked it for vaping, and when I kicked that for gum, patches, and lozenges. It’s lightheadedness caused by replacing all your air with not air AND the head rush of nicotine.

    That said OP should kick the habit if they can anyway (:

  • It’s a good idea to treat both of these situations with the same level of scrutiny and skepticism-- good point.

    Trump properties have hosted thousands of visits by foreign leaders, Republican members of Congress, lobbyists, and political candidates, among others. As determined in an analysis by the Center for Responsive Politics, they’ve spent just under $19 million on use of Trump properties, most of which came after Trump already became president

    (from the article you posted)

    From what I’ve read from Comer’s report, it sounds like Hunter paid Joe three installments of a little over $1,000. It was also in repayment of a loan, so not really profit, per se. This seems to be mudslinging and pandering and instilling FUD around Biden leading up to the elections.

    This is all not to mention that Hunter doesn’t have a job in politics, which was another huge problem with Trump’s cabal.

    I think the nepotism and dealings with fraudsters and autocrats are deeply concerning, but Biden has yet to be implicated. His son rightfully admitting to and paying for his crimes, repaying his debts doesn’t strike me as the most pressing issue at the moment. Are we really worried that the millionaire president is being bribed in 4 figure sums by foreign agents?

  • I think actually talking about things is more interesting than “dunking” on dissenters on the internet.

    Ok so I read through most/all of each article, and there are a few issues I’m finding.

    Other than Hunter’s admitted crimes, where is the evidence of corruption? Did Hunter get jobs because his daddy was vice president? Probably didn’t hurt – but that’s not illegal. The washington times article harps on the crimes everyone knows he committed and tries to pin that on Joe somehow. They can’t seem to explain the illegality of daddy Biden’s actions, other than talking about China, Kazakhstan and other scary sounding countries. But like, those countries obviously have investors, right?.. I don’t know.

    Comer has no actual new evidence, right? He’s being a partisan blowhard judging by his dramatic statements. I can’t take his word that Biden has lied repeatedly, because he’s already talked at length about Hunter’s issues. The “bombshell” “monthly” payments they are flouting and making sound sinister have been redacted purposely and obfuscated to mislead:


    I think Biden’s family enjoys influence and wealth as a result of Joe’s political career. However, the president has not interfered with any investigations, there is no evidence linking him to a crime, and finally they (the Bidens) have said that Hunter should answer for his crimes. What more could anyone want?

    Republicans, who have done nothing but lie and placate the despot that is Trump, want to impeach Biden and make a mockery of the process so that no one takes it seriously – to lessen the blow to Trump. To score easy, divisive, empty political points for their team.

    If Biden is corrupt, I genuinely hope it comes to light. Until the evidence says so, though, this feels like a dishonest partisan exercise.

  • A source can have a slant or “agenda” but can still provide useful information or facts. It’s overly partisan, dishonest sources that have to be excluded – ones that make claims without evidence.

    That said, what sources do you have pointing to Biden running a “crime family” or otherwise being corrupt? I’ll even accept dubious sources if they are in turn at least sourced. Other than Hunter’s benefitting from having a powerful father (legally), I can’t find reliable evidence of corruption, fraud, bribery, etc. Hunter has some personal charges against him, but the Bidens are open and cooperative.

  • React is fine too with the right tooling. Next.js, create-t3-app, vite etc. are all nice. I think svelte has fewer unfamiliar mental models and hurdles to initial development though. I tried vue years ago and found react made far more sense to me for some reason.