Just some IT guy

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • You agree that tagging the username of a mod (wasn’t even one it was an admin) is doxxing? If so, you’re delusional.

    Mod names are visible by default on my instance so if taking a look there and then mentioning the username you see there is doxxing good luck with the rest of your life. You can’t have a system where everyone can easily find out who performed a mod action and then claim you were “doxxed”

  • Neshura@bookwormstory.socialtoich_iel@feddit.deich📦💥iel
    4 months ago

    Da andere hier auch ihre Erfahrungen teilen hier ein Auszug meiner Erfahrungen:


    • Summe 2 Pakete, beide kamen unglaublich verdellt an, beides mal hat nur das Verpackmaterial des Herstellers das Produkt gerettet. (Edit: es handelte sich beides mal um recht teure Produkte (200€+))
    • Pakete kamen am angegeben Tag an, einmal allerdings mit falscher Zustellangabe (Zustellinfo sagte “Abgelegt” es wurde aber bei einem Nachbarn abgegeben)


    • Ziemlich langsam aber den eigenen Angaben entsprechend pünktlich, ansonsten mit dem momentanen Fahrer eigentlich nichts auszusetzen.
    • Liefert oft sehr spät (18-20 Uhr)
    • Vorheriger Fahrer hat teilweise Pakete an der Einfahrt abgelegt (Straßenrand)
    • Pakete manchmal an leicht falschem Ablageort (oberhalb der Treppe anstatt Unterhalb), da es aber ein Einfamilienhaus ist kein größeres Problem


    • Liefert hier ziemlich selten, ähnlich wie bei Hermes eigentlich nur durch längere Lieferzeiten negativ auffallend
    • gleiches Problem mit dem Ablageort wie Hermes


    • Andauernde Lieferverspätungen um mehrere Tage trotz Prime haben mich dazu bewegt nichts mehr bei Amazon zu bestellen und mein Prime Abo zu kündigen.


    • Angegebene Lieferzeit 1/2 Tage schneller als die Erstangabe ist der Regelfall, meistens sind Pakete am nächsten Tag nach Versand schon da.
    • Ablageort wird korrekt befolgt
    • Trotz Ablageort direkt vor der Haustür werden die Zustellungszettel in den Briefkasten gelegt. Einziger Lieferant der hier nach Vorschrift arbeitet.
    • Pluspunkt für Personen bei denen Relevant: Zoll Gebühren können vorab Online gezahlt werden, sofern DHL für den gesamten Transport verantwortlich ist.

  • The developer working on federation plans to merge the changes into forgejo first and then from there into gitea but I’m not sure in how far the recent changes to gitea’s CLA have affected those plans.

    Forgejo is a drop in replacement (they are committed to keeping it that way for as long as possible) so, as far as I know, simply changing the gitea image to the forgejo image is all you would need to do.

  • They did start a cloud service for hosting Gitea which introduces a direct incentive for them to make Gitea less hosting friendly by, for example, making newly added configuration options less comfortable to set up. And more recently some changes to code contributions that are not exactly community friendly (as a result forgejo will be unable to upstream some of their changes)

    What lead to Forgejo, as far as I am aware, was less a problem that is already there and more the set of problems that have a very high chance of eventually manifesting, at which point forking the project would be too late.

  • Neshura@bookwormstory.socialtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlwhat is your favorite lemmy instance?
    7 months ago

    I’d be very careful with those words given that lemmy.world is rather trigger happy with defederations.

    It is almost impossible to completely censor away content and anyone can bridge blocks by creating a new intermediary instance where they can view content of mutually blocked instances but it’s not like you see all the fediverse content on any instance.

    Matter of fact you just need to look at the blocklists of most instances to get a pretty good guess at the other, less legal, Fediverse out there running almost in parallel to the popular one. But since almost every instance has those blocked you don’t see any of that shit in your feeds. Highly censorship resistant, but ultimately an individual is still at the mercy of their instance admins.

  • > make a new messenger using a niche protocol > new users choose your messenger because it is objectively the best after you dumped unreasonable amounts of cash into it > userbase grows, in large parts because the small messenger is interoperable so you can say “hey, if other company wanted to they could just implement [protocol] for you, we are already doing that” > once userbase reaches critical mass, pull the plug on the protocol > users with long chat histories and contact books are now more or less stuck on your platform whether they like it or not because getting people to switch suddenly means two messengers instead of one for them, not a good proposition to make.

    XMPP did take off while it was in Messenger, Facebook decided to kill it with its superior reach because it was a step-ladder rather than something actually useful to them. Facebook will absolutely use the Mastodon interoperability as a marketing trick “Hey guys, if you have friends that don’t like threads they can use another platform and still talk with you”. They’ll use it to distinguish threads from twitter until they feel like they don’t need it anymore. Then they’ll find some sort of technical excuse and pull the plug on ActivityPub support.

  • Can confirm, my mail server does just about everything I found it needs to do to not get flagged spam. And it doesn’t except for Gmail. Not even Microsoft has “Spam” filters that strict beyond checking the basic records.

    On the browsers, I think in large parts Google should have never been allowed to push for their own Browser in their own products simply because the have monopolies in so many of them. Free market this and that, IRL it doesn’t work without some regulations and imo (American) Tech companies have been allowed too much freedom to abuse the market whichever way they like.