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Cake day: June 24th, 2023

  • This is true, but I think the bigger deal is that some people actually like driving (maybe not the trafficky daily commute). Some speeders fit this category, but also others who just like being precise on the curves, being in the flow of an uncrowded road, and even expressing their neighborliness to others.

    So far, self driving cars drive very clumsily even when they are safe. More scope for embarrassment and frustration than anything else if you identify with the behavior of your car. “Chill mode” for example, chooses the right of a four lane road until the last minute instead of making lane changes when space allows. Awful.

    But even if the cars get better at it, some people will miss driving.

  • When I was in school we learned about Malthus and his hypothesis that the rising population of the industrial revolution would lead to famine as if he was mistaken because it didn’t come to pass.

    But he wasn’t wrong. I’m pulling this from memory, so take with a grain of salt: the 19th century British (and probably others, and their slaves) were scouring the world’s tiny islands for bird poo to support crops in their colonies all over the world, but had reached basically peak guano and were facing globally reduced yields. Malthus presented his warning to the Royal Society and it was taken up by Haber and Bosch in Germany, and they developed the commercial method of fixing nitrogen from the air (and fossil fuel) and basically replaced the dwindling bird poo reserves with industrial fertilizer we use in ever increasing quantity today.

    There’s no reason to think we can go on like this forever as using fossil fuels is no more sustainable than spreading a thousand years worth of seagull droppings on each year’s crops. Never mind everything else the crops need.

    So I think the question is how many different ways do you want to scrape or dig or burn or poison every last part of the globe before you just decide to work on the other side of the equation?

    Only problem is, stocks don’t go brrrrr

  • I think what we lack is the understanding that just knowing the right thing to do doesn’t make it happen, individually or collectively. Because if you look at any of the issues we face you can find people talking about it a hundred, three hundred, a thousand years ago, but it’s like the solutions only get traction under some special lightning in a bottle circumstances. So you have to keep up the consciousness and the effort and especially creative inspiring things, and know that the failures are to be expected and the successes are so rare they need to be celebrated even when they are imperfect.

  • What’s so interesting to me about these concepts is that so many important materials could never have formed without this deep history of the planet and solar system churning everything and causing fractionation and concentration of different elements under different conditions so that trace amounts of something diluted throughout the planetary dust could eventually find each other to make observable, collectable quantities of diverse compounds.

    This idea and a lot of the specifics gathered is quite new in the scheme of things.