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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • You nailed Ketchup.

    Also, mayonnaise is fucking disgusting. I worked at subway in high school and we had to install wide-nozzle tubes on our mayo dispensers because the morbidly obese customers would say things like “I don’t want to be able to see the sandwich, just bury it in mayo” and it would hold up the sandwich line.

    Let’s get down to it: top 3 hot sauces? I go Valentinas, green Tabasco, sriracha. Honorable mention, gochujang, tapatio

  • Since COVID, Migration from large, expensive coastal cities to sparsely populated rural states is one of the greatest opportunity to permanently flip representation. Idaho was the largest percentage population gainer in the US since COVID and almost all of it coming from CA, OR, WA. Were this to continue you’d probably be looking at a blue state in an election cycle or two. I think this is one of the reasons, long with insane sadism, that Rs are trying to push such radical agendas t state levels–to scare moderates and progressives from moving there. Wyoming could be permablue with one year of concentrated migration.

    Even states like Texas, thought of as Red stronghold are not that disproportionately voted Red; 2020 was a difference of 600k votes. 100k net Californians(only CA!) were moving to Texas a year during the pandemic, if you add in other states we might actually see it flip in a few cycles, though the radical agenda being pushed is going to kill those numbers perhaps. Very curious to see 2024 shifts.

  • The point is that when you’re an adult and talking to a child, you can’t talk to them like an adult. When you’re dealing with someone without the faculties or desire to engage in informed debate, just save your breath.

    Actually incredibly instructive to US readers at the moment given our horrific levels of education and high levels of misinformation and bias in media.